Am I doing it right? (EXERCISE BIKE)

My goal is to lose the decent amount of flabby body fat percentage all over my body, I'm currently 19 years old, 69.8Kilos & 170 center meters tall.

This week I've been doing 15KLM's after breakfast & another 15LKM's shortly after lunch just a few hours before dinner. Averaging 30-33KLM a day. My pulse is around 140-170 depending on how hard/fast I'm going for the full 30KLMs. There are 8 resistance levels, I run the full 30k+ on resistance level 4 & notch it up sometimes during the run to pretend I'm going up a hill or something like that.

The bike is telling me I lose just over 700 calories for 30KLMs with a pulse averaging this in fact somewhat accurate?

Is my distance okay?

Is my resistance levels okay?

Is my pulse okay averaging 140-170?

Will I lose body fat percentage doing this as my exercise?

I know that most of the deal with body fat % loss is what you eat...don't worry about that...I'm eating small portions of foods throughout...mainly fruit/ healthy cooked meat/chicken & a small-medium size bowl of All-bran in the morning, some breads etc. I don't eat chocolate or ice cream or chips or any junk food & I don't over-eat the healthy/carb foods. I have a lot of water & sometimes diet coke (the zero calories one only)

So my food plan is good, just wondering if my exercise plan is going to help with it?

By the way I don't drink or smoke.
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Ok just finished my work out for today

Stats my bike says>>>>

Time : 79minutes total
Distance : 33.04KLM
Caliories: 753
Pulse (average) 140-170
Tension: (level 4 out of 8)

I did 16klm in the morning and just finished off with the rest now...working out to 33.04klm in total.

Does this sound right? Sweating like a pig , time for a shower lol
My work for today just finished

Time : 78minutes total
Distance : 33.21KM
Caliories: 757
Pulse (average) 150-160
Tension: (level 4 out of 8)

Sound right again or?

plz some answers!
you're doing fine, mell; the main thing you need to think about is how much energy you're taking in compared to how much is going out - you could be cycling and running like mad but if you're scoffing down more caleries than you're burning then you're going to get fatter. the opposite is of course what you need to be doing but i suspect you're already counting your caleries and making sure you're not taking too many.
as far as the exercise goes - the harder you make it, the more caleries you're going to burn so you can up the resistance on the bike and increase the incline on the running machine but obviously you can only do this to the degree that you're capable of executing; so as long as you're pushing yourself a bit (but not so much you puke), then you're doing fine.
I suggest you get yourself some good trainers and a bike and go cycling/ running outside where it's less boring -enter some races for a bit of motivation or join a running club. although gyms can be motivating if there's some totty to look at.
also, if you want to increase your metabolic rate and so burn more fat whilst your not doing anything, then do some resistance training at the gym. you won't really put on much bulk if you pick a resistance that you can only do a maximum of 15-25 repetitions but you'll become more toned.
Thanks for taking your time to reply.

Yeah I'm counting my calorie intake and not having any junk foods, just like the foods I mentioned. I do push myself a lot I think...I mean having my pulse at 140-170 is pushing hard isn't it? Yesterday and today I did 20KM in the morning and after breakfast then another 20KM after having 2 apples n water to fuel it. I also put the Tension up to Level 5 instead of 4, still did good and had more sweat and felt really good after it.

The thing a bout the gym is, I don't want to start lifting weights because whenever I did goto the gym for weights I always get FULLY stuck into it and start doing more than I should....and I'll end up gaining more body fat with the muscle i'll be putting on. My goal is just to lose body fat % and not to gain anymore muscle %. Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't doing weights mean your body has to gain body fat as it gains muscle?

Also I bought the bike since I don't have a good enough bike that will last 40KM a day lol & I prefer to do it in my own place because I can have my own music without head phones or loud as hell and it pumps me up, plus seeing other people struggle around me puts me off lol.
Work for today looked like this :

Tension Level 5 out of 8/ 40.49KM / 97Minutes/ 923 Calories/ average pulse = 160.

Had Breakfast, medium bowl of all-bran + water then Did 20km in the morning at about 8:30AM then had 2 apples and water then did the other 20.49km at 11:30AM and now I'm going to get a sandwich with just vegetables no butter or anything like that, just the bread will count as calories, will have some nuts or some more fruit later on during the day aswell. All small portions of course.

I have been doing this for a week & NEVER feel hungry or fact I have more energy even at night and my body feels so much better. I have NOT had any side effects like dizzyness or pains etc besides the first day when I had pains in my legs lol..but I expected that.. Does this mean I'm doing it right?