Am I Doing Good?!


New member
Hello and thanks for your time

First a little background...

I'm 20 year old male and weight about 245 lbs and about 6 feet tall I have a large body frame 9according to all the test i've found around here).

I'm trying to get down to 200 or so lbs by the end of the summer. (My long term goal). Ideally I'd love to loose 5-10 lbs a month (short term goal)

Edit: I know muscle weights more than fat..I should rather say I would like to look more trim while loosing fat and gainning muscles.

I am eating well now..I stay away from fried oily foods and sweets. I never drink sodas, maybe a diet coke once in a blue moon- I usually stick to water or an occasional iced tea.

I'm eating around 1500 calories or so a day (I think the max i should be eating for my weight was 3000 unless i messed up that calculation) - I don't obsess over it but try to stay withing range and watch what i eat.

I stay away from fast food. I'll opt for getting a lean smoothie from smoothie king instead or i'll jus grab a salad. I go for whole wheat if i can or some steamed veggies with grilled meat.

For breakfast I usually drink a slim fast shake as I am not hungry at all in the morning- and I know breakfast is very very important.

As for Excercise, I go to the gym 3 times a week (about to increase it to 5) for about an hour each day. I do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 min of weights (upper and lower body rotated randomly so my body doesn't get into a groove).

Am I doing ok? If i keep this up am I on the right road to becoming fit.

I am not of the mentality of a diet but rather I'm on the mind set that this is a wake up call and a lifestyle change. And If you can't tell I'm very motivated !

Any tips or hints or advice is GREATLY appreciated!!

Also I was thinking of getting some of those protein shake powders to get more protein because protein is muscle(when you exercise and turn it into it) and muscle burns fast super fast.

Thanks again and sorry for the long winded post!
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Since you're going to start going to the gym 5 time a week, do cardio 3x a week for 45-60min without weights, and on the other 2 days do a full body routine.

Post an example of what you would eat in a day at what time, this will make it easier to tweak. But right off the bat you need more calories, a big guy like you will slow progress at 1500.
Since you're going to start going to the gym 5 time a week, do cardio 3x a week for 45-60min without weights, and on the other 2 days do a full body routine.

Post an example of what you would eat in a day at what time, this will make it easier to tweak. But right off the bat you need more calories, a big guy like you will slow progress at 1500.

I usually wake up between 7-9 am and as stated above I have no appretite in the morning so i'll just drink a slimfast shake for the nutrients n such so at least I'll have somethign in me.

If i get hungry in between I'll eat a cup of low fat yogurt or a Kashi bar or something light and healthy, perhaps even some fresh veggies.

For lunch at around 1 pm I'll opt for a salad, or steamed vegies with grilled meat (sensible portion size)

Again If im hungry at around 3 pm or so I'll do the same as what I do between breakfast and lunch.

For dinner at around 7 pm -ish I'll eat something light..Nothing too heavy..I try to make lunch my biggest meal. But i'll eat somethign sensible liek I did at lunch. I don't restrict myself ot only certain types of food but i try but if i jsut have to have something it will be a small portion.

I never feel starved or anything... I always feel satisfied. I hate when I eat too much and feel stuffed now so thats why i'm inclined not to eat too much.

I just read that its impossible to gain alot of muscle and loose alot of weight which does make sense. My main goal is to shed the pounds but to also at least keep somewhat fit ... doesn't have to be defined or anything but like i said above muscle helps to burn fat.

You say 1500 calories isn't ideal for me. What should I aim for? Like i said tho i never feel starved...I honestly feel content and satisfied.

Edit : I am for many small meals to build up my metabolism ( I'm horrible with spelling so sry if i butcher anything)
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Its great to see someone so motivated. Exercise coupled with a proper diet will get you the results you want. Mreik is correct about the low calories. Many small meals is a great way to help raise your metabolism, but you've got to be putting in the calories to be effective.

For example, you weigh 245, I weigh 195. When I aim for fat loss, I try to consume anywhere from 2200 to 2600 calories. You have more size then I, so you would need more calories. If you are going to commit yourself to 5x a week at the gym, you will also need more calories than you consume now. For each increase in exercise, you will need energy to match. I would aim for a caloric range of somewhere between 2400 and 3000. If you eat 6 times per day, thats only 400-500 per calories meal. Thats not too hard to achieve. Check out these basic articles for some great info:

John Berardi - 7 Habits
John Berardi - Berardi's Kitchen, Part I
Thanks for the advice so far!

I honestly would love to get a personal trainer but $300 bucks for 3 sessions is way to much for me...Gym only cost like 40 a month lol.
Try online training. Its much cheaper and you can usually get more out of it. I was just running a promotion on my own site for 30 days free but I got more than enough responses for that offer. However there are many people who offer online training besides me as well.