Cohen's Lifestyle Alternatives and improvements to Cohen Program

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
Please post your ideas, thoughts, opinions about improvements to the Cohen program or alternative better programs.
I don't think there is any way you can improve the easiest most successful medically derived eating program.
i dont think i could make any improvements or changes to my personal cohens diet :D

it was organised specifically for my own individual unique weight,height,age,medical problems.

WOO i LOVE cohens! :D:D:D
If I could change anything with the Cohens diet it would be asking for more variety with the veggies. I so miss my carrots, broccoli, peas and corn :(

Something that I crave and will eat once I get to my refeed. Well I hope that my body can deal with it.

I would like more cracker alternatives, particularly wholegrain options - it doesn't matter which type of crackers I try, within a few days, they taste like cardboard!
Why we eat the things we eat

Hi everyone,
I'm new to Cohens and think that it's great:) :)

The only thing i would like to know is why we are eating the things and how they effect our body. I'm finding it hard when the motivation is low to see the selection of food as medicine for my body and how this affects my blood.

I agree with faithie, why isn't broccoli on the list. I know that corn, peas and corrots contain a higher carb content in the veg family.

I gess that what i'm asking is, if this program is scientific i would like to know some of the science behind it. I know that this don't interest everyone but i think it would help me keep off the diversion road of guilt, blam and generally felling like crap that i carn't keep on track. That chocolate cake in the fridge calling my name. If i could live without husband, childrend i would have on chocolate cake in the fridge but thats not possible:eek: :eek: :eek:

I think we can't have brocolli cause it's classed as a complex sugar and my brother told me ( he works in a fruit and veg shop) that brocolli is the vegie that has to have the most pesticides as when the florets are growing they are open and they need to stop bugs getting in them so they use 3 times as much tokeep them bug free. but when thos little green buds close and you see them in the shops they are still full of nasty chemicals and they traped in there,
yukky hey i love broccoli and now i'd be too scared to eat it after hearing that and i refuse to give it to my daughter...
skinny thoughts
Di, I had heard something similar & thought I could still not live without broccoli. Funny thing is I don't miss it at all. I don't crave anything really. I'm sometimes hungry in the evening but I don't care. I feel so good & can see myself shrinking.I'm 1/3 of the way to my goal weight (yeahh!!) and I love this Cohen's diet. I am eating delicious food & really enjoying cooking & eating,my meals. I will continue eating this food when I get to my goal, with additions of course. It's so healthy. I am even enjoying dry Saladas (Originals). Love the forum! Cheers, Cathy
I'm like Lost4eva. I wish we had more of a layman's scientific reason behind the eating plan and what to watch out for in terms of ingredients if we are buying things in the store.

I've read so many posts about the proper order of eating carbs/protein/fruit and the order in which the body processes it, I would like Cohen's to describe that in their program.

Also, I would like a short explanation of my blood tests - what the results mean and why I've been "prescribed" the diet that they have given me. For example: If I'm only allowed 2 fruits - versus someone else getting 3, I would like a brief explanation of "...because your glucose level is in the high range, fruits can turn into glucose, so you can only have 2". You know, something like that.

I want to know how this is personal for me.
I have to agree with Ididit4me, there is not enough explanation of the whys, whats and hows.

My house mate and I are on the Cohen's plan and he is allowed the exact same as me but slightly larger portions sizes of protein and vege (at most 10gs more), we also have friends on the plan that eat exactly the same foods just slightly different portions sizes (+/- 5-10g) ... so to me its all about portion control, it doesn't seem that personalized
Looking for answers

Hey i start Cohen's on Tuesday and i was under the impression that all programs are personailsed, does this mean i will be paying 850 dollars to learn how to eat smaller portions and low carb vegies??? Is there anyone out there that has any advice about this? :dupe:
Hi Vic33
$850 is that how much it is costing for your program??? wow!!!! that is a bit of a price hike from when I did it. Look the reason "the" Cohens program works so well is because it is very low in calories....I know the food choices are all fairly similiar with everyone there may be a slight variation here and there and also there maybe slight variations with the weights but overall it is the same. The meaning behind personalised weight loss is basically the blood test I would say and having a 1:1 consultation which does not apply to everyone especially those in rural areas. Like I said the plan is as personalised as much as can be expected.
I would definitely query the cost and what level of support the clinic will be providing to assist you on your weightloss journey. My experience with the clinic was okay intially then it weaned a bit especially when I needed them through the refeed process.
All I can say to answer your question further is that Cohens was the only weightloss program that worked for me and I had tried many....LOWCARBS, LOWFAT, get the picture and what also attracted me is the no exercise criteria....I had tried plans like WW and did the point systems plus exercise and I still didn't accomplish the weightloss like I did on Cohens.
Vic the decision is yours in the end and how desperate you want to lose...I WAS EXTREMELY DESPERATE AND MY GOAL WAS TO BE THIN, FIT AND HEALTHY before I turned 40 and I accomplished this with Cohens.
All the best with your decision.
Just remembered if you have private health cover they may cover part of the cost.