Weight-Loss "alternative" is the answer?



New member
I just wanted to talk a bit about how the classic American diet is the ultimate failure to keep a healthy lifestyle. It's really hard like we all know to not indulge in this society since it's everywhere for us.

I believe by getting into foods that aren't seen as staples in the American diet are very key. Lately Edamame has been coming out in salad bars and even in some frozen foods. This is a great snack if you get them in the pods and pop them out.

A lesser known soy food in America is Tempeh and I think it's about my favorite soy food. I cut it in half and just lightly skillet fry it in a pan and put on a nice bun for a sandwich. Or it can be cut up into dishes like stir fry too.

Tofu has always had a bad rap but I feel I've somewhat conquered it. For me it's best marinated in a dry rub and then baked. There's a great Thai spicy peanut bake powder pack that goes well with it. Also the ones in a tub with water or a must for cooking. Silken is great to make sauces or a smoothie.

I know most of my knowledge has come from the one Dr. Weil book some years ago. I think it was 8 weeks to optimum health.

I also truly believe that you and you alone have to be in control what goes into your body. No more family pushing food onto you or thinking you're funny for various food choices.

Good luck.
I agree with the "American diet" being unhealthy, and finding "staples" of other cultures being important.

I'm not sure who Dr. Weil is - I get a lot of my inspiration for healthy eating from Michael Pollan.

I'd guess you're vegetarian, nexpose. Do you avoid meat for health reasons or moral ones?