Sport Alternate ways to getting necessary protein

Sport Fitness
I know how important proteins are to muscle-building. Having said that, I cant stand to make myself consume a protein shake. The powder is absolutely revolting and so chalky no matter what you mix it with. YUCK! I know I could sit down and eat a heavy protein meal but I'm not always in the mood to prepare and/or eat one after a big workout. (Having said that, how long is too long to consume protein after your workout for it to really have an impact? I live about 20 minutes away from my gym. Add to that the time it takes to cook a meal.) Are there any good, natural alternatives to powders?? Also, how would you rate a peanut butter-banana sandwich on whole wheat bread as a post-workout protein snack? That's usually my go-to and I've never really taken the time to find out if it's a good one.

Also, does anyone have any great green smoothie recipes?
Try a different brand of protein powder. I use EAS vanilla and it tastes great with milk. No chalky taste at all. Peanut butter is a good source with 8 grams of protein per 2 tbs but it also has 16 grams of fat, the good kind but still high fat & calories.
I have EAS vanilla and hate it!!! Maybe it's because it's soy...?? I guess I might just have to stick to getting it into my green smoothies. That's the only way I've been able to stomach it so far.
your forgetting some very quick and reliable sources you can ad in a sandwich.
cold, sliced meats(ham, salami, silverside, shaved turkey breast,bruschetta etc.)
Seeds and nuts
Legumes(to an extent)
Yes,all those are good but it's awesome when comfort food is also good for you so I was just saying it's my fave post-workout snack. :)
I think the general rule is that there's a one hour window after a workout where having protein really makes a difference so don't stress about that 20-minute drive. My go-to protein supplement has to be the bio protein bars, they're kind of hard to find unless you look online but the double chocolate is insanely good. 23 grams of protein per bar and it's pretty reasonably priced for supplements.
It depends on your overall goals (i.e. if you're trying to bulk, or trying to lose weight). As a post-workout snack, the PB, banana and wholegrain sandwich would be OK if you're not trying to lose weight. Stick to a 1/2 sandwich at most if you are trying to lose weight.

One of the most popular post-workout 'snacks' is good ol' chocolate milk!

The second article just shows that chocolate milk was found to be as effective as a commercially available protein/carb drink:
Chocolate milk is all well and good, but if he is trying to bulk, I wouldn't think there would be enough protein in it to support that goal. Although, that is better than nothing when it comes to getting nutrients in that crucial first 30-45 minutes after a workout.

@ be safe, within the first 30 minutes is best. Your body's response to the carbs especially, starts to drop after 30 mins, and especially after the 45 minute mark..

@Bodyrock...try Optimum Nutrition (ON) whey protein. Whey is the fastest absorbing protein...and it mixes really well. I can't stand the taste of soy...ugh
Thanks so much for everyone's suggestions! @xtonymarsx, I guess I would like to tone more than anything, but would love love love to see some muscle gain as well. I guess you could say I'd like to bulk up as much as is possible to get stronger and still look very feminine. (I'm a girl, hehe!) I have found that I can handle the [soy] protein powder when I mix it into my green smoothies. But, I love Met Rx protein bars and now take one with me to the gym to eat in the locker room as soon as my workout is done.
Well, to start, there really isn't any specific time after a workout where protein has "less of an impact" it takes the body nearly 7 hours to digest meat. And nutrients are constantly being used. So in reality, eating 3 meals a day at the same time each day should be effective enough. Now some good alternatives to powder would be milk, eggs, cold cuts, nuts, cheese, and yogurts. These are all things that can be prepared and eaten quickly. For example, you could have a ham, cheese, and egg sandwich on wheat bread with a glass of milk, yogurt, and some mixed nuts. So that's basically my version of the solution to your problem. Oh and of course there's tofu and beans ha ha. As for your butter banana sandwich, I have no idea.
I have a hemp and nut bar called '9 bar' just before going to gym ... I also have a ripe banana

these bars taste really good, and is packed with seeds etc and costs cheap ...

only has 8.7g of protein, so not sure how it compares, but can say, it does fill you up .... I normally eat dinner approx 45 minutes after gym as I walk to gym instead of driving there

herewith a review/link:
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all protein powders are not created equally.

and i've never had a 'chalky' one. you might not be mixing it well enough either.

Personally like Optimum Nutrition's flavors and nutrition profile, as well as Nitrean which only comes from
Go old school..... boiled eggs. They're cheap, easy to carry aroundand you can eat them cold.