Sport Almonds causing a 'food allergy'?

Sport Fitness
I can't really explain this... Every time I eat some almonds (or some other nuts), with in a few hours (3->9hrs), I get this weird pain like feeling at the end of my throat (esophagus I think)... Sometimes it feels like something is trying to move up, or move down. I can't for the life of my figure out what it is... I looked up food allergies, but none of them matched. I'm not having any kind of breathing issues, no 'break outs', nothing...

I can eat peanuts and peanut butter just fine with no side effects; so I'm just posting trying to figure out if anybody has heard of such a thing.

Are you sure it is directly related to almonds?

My suggestion would be to not eat almonds for like a week and see if the pain goes away. It's possible its an alergic reaction but 9 hours later, id suspect it was something else.
junkfoodbad said:
Are you sure it is directly related to almonds?

My suggestion would be to not eat almonds for like a week and see if the pain goes away. It's possible its an alergic reaction but 9 hours later, id suspect it was something else.

not sure, I'm just sure that almonds are one of the triggers. Because I remember eating a lot of them before going to bed, and then had pain come about a few hours into the night. And last night I had an almond cake, and once again had issues.

But, sometimes nothing happens when I eat them... I mean I eat peanuts all the time, and almonds are my second choice for nuts when peanuts arn't around.
almonds are mostly fat...slow digesting. exactly how many did you eat before going to bed for 8 hours?

its my understanding you're either allergic to all nuts, or you're its the same chemical in all nuts that you're allergic to.