Weight-Loss Allergies



New member
Hey all!
I'm new here but excited to dive in.
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, especially for breakfast.
I'd been having a protein shake in the mornings and couldn't figure out why I had a blinding headache by mid-day. Turns out I'm allergic to soy. Lame, right? I'm also allergic to dairy, sugar (which includes fruits high on the glycemic index) and grains. So.... what's left to eat. I don't eat chicken (traumatic feathering experience as a kid, lol), and I'm allergic to, well, pretty much everything.
I was wondering if you guys had suggestions?
Thanks so much!
did the doctor or allergist who diagnosed you give you some suggestions?

I have a colleague's child who has a wheat/soy/dairy allergy so his wife ends up cooking pretty much everything from scratch, no processed foods at all are allowed near the child... Check your local library or bookstore for cookbooks - there are a few out there...
I don't have allergies, but I do have diet limitations due to medical conditions.

I bought some soy protein powder and put it in a smoothie, and within 30 minutes I had a migraine. I haven't been to an allergist, but I do get migraines, and it is a known migraine trigger. So I have been cutting down on my soy intake.

I also can't have dairy, which makes getting protein tough. I do eat chicken, which is where I get a lot of my protein though. Do you like turkey? How about fish? I eat chicken almost daily, but sometimes instead I will have a turkey sandwich or some canned tuna.

Instead of soy or dairy, you could also try rice milk or almond milk. I personally like rice milk and have used it on my cereal and in cooking for years. It has a sweeter taste than regular milk. Can you eat any grains or is oatmeal out too?

In smoothies, you could try egg white protein powder. I haven't tried it yet, but I have put egg beaters (pasteurized egg whites) in my smoothies before, and they came out fine. The vanilla flavored rice or almond milk can work in smoothies too.