Sport All Carrot Diet

Sport Fitness
I've been thinking about just eating carrots for a while now as I've always wanted to see in the dark.

Just curious, would there be any detrimental health effects/inherited super powers to look out for?
Hairloss, tinnitus, blurry vision :p

Where you been?

I suggest you stick with a dose of no more than 200g EOD. So basically i wouldn't go above 800g of Carrot a week as you might start to get negative side effects.

Yeah you'd get caritinitus, I have this, it turns your skin a yellow shade. My hands and feet are mainly affected and never used to really bother me but now I am older I can't just put on any old item of clothing and look good (all young people seem to be able to do this), most people assume its a bad fake tan (I am ghostly pale otherwise!) and others think its hair dye which has stained my skin.

This means theres a whole colour chart I cannot get away with wearing without looking like I have Jaundice or very sallow: I can't wear pastles, purple, black/blue and red. I have to be careful with orange yellow and white as they can also look very strange.

It can also affect your liver and puts you at great risk of lung cancer if you smoke or passive smoke. The vitamin A in the vegetables is fat soluable so once it gets into your body it can take years and even decades to be removed by your body.
@Summer, wow! I never knew that eating too much carrots could have those kind of side effects...

Not sure if lung cancer and liver damage is worth the risk...
Hairloss, tinnitus, blurry vision :p

Where you been?

Working bloody hard, haha

Need to get back on the weights though, gave myself a break and turned back to running, doing 3.30 for a 1km sprint now so got that sorted but my weight is down to 190lbs which pisses me off. The wife likes the six pack and stuff but I'm benching like a girl so gonna get back to the iron and reclaim my gut

I think you'd probably also turn orange too. Not sure if that's something you want...

I could become a BBer!!!
Damn, you've dropped a lot of weight. Good to see you back, Rich. You should post a pic of that six pack so you can look at it when it's gone and replaced with the beer belly again :D
Damn, you've dropped a lot of weight. Good to see you back, Rich. You should post a pic of that six pack so you can look at it when it's gone and replaced with the beer belly again :D

Cheers, been away a while :D This site is now one of the only ones not blocked by my work filter now so might have to come back a lot more

How's being admin working out? And how have your studies been going? Are you Professor Fred yet?

Any info on the carrotts would be good as I heard about this boy called Eric who when he ate a Banana an amazing transformation occured and he became Bananaman and could fly and had big muscles and stuff.
So far all I know about carrotts is they make your skin orange which is a pretty ****ty superpower in the grand scheme of things.
Not professor yet, no :p I hope to be starting on my masters degree after summer.
Being admin is working out great. I can change peoples signatures and stuff :D it's awesome :D
@Summer, wow! I never knew that eating too much carrots could have those kind of side effects...

Not sure if lung cancer and liver damage is worth the risk...

Yes, it s scary- espeially for me as I used to have anorexia, I now eat better and weight (much) more but cannot leg go of all the veggies- I tried but end up eating more of other foods and then gaining weight. As a result I have caratinitus. The more brightly coloured the foods, the more caratine it has in it.

Here is a link to more info- I actually learnt about it after watching a documentary and then my dietition I see backed it up. Scary stuff!