Sport Alcohol ???

Sport Fitness
I like to have a Whiskey Sour before I go to sleep, but at the same time I was trying to get back in shape and felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. Did some research, and you all know what I found out!!! Alcohol is a no no! :)
Is there ANY alcohol that doesn't throw the weight on you???
I doubt it, the alcohol itself in every alcoholic beverage slows down your metabolism and also has other negative affects. Try working out for a bit without the drink every night and you should see better results.
Most people would be surprised at just how many calories are in their favorite drinks, and alcohol does have some negative side effects.

Definitely try to limit the drink to once or twice a week, as a treat, not a dietary staple.;)
anything but water has calories...

dry red wine is good, has least sugar of all alcohols and recommended by doctors for up to 2 x 125 ml serves a day to promote good health and long life.

Blooming Lotus
Alcohol is 7 calories/gram.

However, alcohol is a energy source, like carbohydrates, but readily accessible so the body will burn that before going to normal carbs.

Also, alcohol will reduce test levels for up to 72hours after.
you mean testosterone???


did you know that alcohol absorbtion is hindered by protein??..because instead of going into your bloodsrteam, it gets busy breaking downyour protein instead..

carbs and alcohol is the worse!.. particularly if your not into hangovers!
I'm going to limit my use of marijuana to only one day of the weekend. It's a reward!