Sport Alcohol + Weed effects of working out?

Sport Fitness
ALright im 17 and its summer so ive been drinking probably about 3 or 4 times a week and smokeing alot of weed i was just wondering if there are any major negative effects of building muscle or working out etc, except for the fact that im hung over or burn out for my workout which i can control.
im so not even going there. i just wanna smack the poop out of potheads.
from personal experience i can say that if you smoke weed on a daily basis you can just forget about any regular exercise, its better than alcohol tho but best of all just quit that stuff you are only smoking yourself stupid
junkfoodbad said:
im so not even going there. i just wanna smack the poop out of potheads.

I wasnt asking for your opinion of drugs and alcohol i was asking whether there are direct negative effects on weight lifting and building muscle.
From experience...

My brother and his group of friends all lift almost regularly, and a few are pretty jacked, but they all smoke weed. My bro at least 1 blunt a day, and he lifts between 2-4 times per week. BTW he's been smoking for a few years and lifting about 5 months. So I'm not sure how much weed effects your lifting, but he definitaley can't run for **** (though he used to be extremely fast). He drinks maybe once a week or so, so that isn't a major factor.

So I don't recommend trying to smoke and drink while working out, but if you are, in my brother and his friends' case, weed doesn't really effect their muscle growth, but they can't do anything endurance wise.
there's some studies trying to show how chronic marijuana use lowers testosterone, and may cause increased fat storage in the upper giving you man boobs.

but weed will surely cause problems with mental focus in the gym.

and alcohol is a great way to screw up protein synthesis and leave you catabolic at bad times, not to mention the insulin response to alcohol (you only really wanna spike insulin post workout)
Alcohol is brutal while working out, 3-4 times a week would probably slow down your progress a lot. I don't know all the affects, but im pretty sure alcohol slows down your metabolism and drains the muscles of water (making you very thirsty especially when hungover). Those 2 reasons alone are a big enough reason to stop.
Workout hard, then smoke some weed and eat all kinds of good ****.

Of course, drugs and all that are bad. I'd stop drinking so much. Put it down to three or four times a month.
alcohol does dehydrate you . after losing only a few percent fluids extra to what you normally healthily might, you're whole performance can decrease by 30+%... cheers.

Blooming Lotus
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I'd say alcohol is very bad for lifting, because it directly does things to inhibit proper body function. Long term marijuana use will lower testosterone, although you will make gains, they'll be slower than they could have been.
Thanks for all the serious answeres, I appreciate the information. When the school year starts ill probably be drinking around 3 or 4 times a month. The fact that some of you believe that marijuana lowers testosterone really surprised me. Ill have to do some more research because i do smoke quite a bit. Cutting down wouldnt be a bad idea either. Thanks again for the help.
"there's some studies trying to show how chronic marijuana use lowers testosterone, and may cause increased fat storage in the upper giving you man boobs.

haha most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I know so many stoners and none of em have man boobs.

If anything, smokin bud will just make you lazy and not focused to go workout and as mentioned, lower testorone lvl.

It's always fun to go work out then light a few bowls here and there to relax. then have a very nice sleep.
Well yes it does lower testosterone levels. And guess whats left? Estrogen.. Of course this wont happen to everyone, but I would say its quite possible if you blaze enough to develop moobs.
i saw as long as you dont do it before working out its pretty good. but it sucks trying to work out with a hangover. you can $#$% yourself up if you workout high. you try to hard and do something wrong and hurt yourself. but the only way i think any of this will affect your body is with running. even just smoking a joint my cardio feels like **** the next day.
Ballzey said:
i saw as long as you dont do it before working out its pretty good...

How is inhaling burning plant and lowering your T good? Other than the fact that it is buttloads of fun? :rolleyes:
well most people smoke weed to relax or have a good time, and i say weed is good because when you smoke it that usually happens. i dont know just when thinks work how i want them to i call them good sorry heh. and i dont think weed lowers your testerone quickly probally prolonged smoking everyday. but i smoked for two years atleast 3-4 times a day. and now i dont even smoke anymore. it feels good to remember **** and not get so exhausted over little things. i never thought i would quit but these are the reasons why i did for anyone that cares. I started going to college and there was no way i could pass high, i started getting the feeling everyone was out to get you everytime i smoked, my cardio sucked, and i just got sick of just sitting around smoking pot not really doing anything.
Ballzey said:
I started going to college and there was no way i could pass high, i started getting the feeling everyone was out to get you everytime i smoked, my cardio sucked, and i just got sick of just sitting around smoking pot not really doing anything.

Yeah, as far as what it does to you "physically" doesnt even come close to what it does to you mentally. it pretty much destroys whatever motivation you may have. and fitness without motivation doesnt really exist.
junkfoodbad said:
Yeah, as far as what it does to you "physically" doesnt even come close to what it does to you mentally. it pretty much destroys whatever motivation you may have. and fitness without motivation doesnt really exist.

You couldn't have said it better. I've just quit weed and I wanna make it for good this time. My problem was exactly that: lack of motivation. It makes you antisocial (you just wanna lay back and get high), have no motivation for training or schooling, it affects your speech/memory/sex drive negatively (ok, you got the "fire in your pants" when you're stoned but once it's gone, so is the desire for sex), and most of all, it slows your life down, decreasing productivity and creativity. All jobs, all classes, all relationships, all friendships, all communication, all business tranactions, all financial decisions, all common sense decisions are adversely affected by THC.

That being said, I do not like to drink at home, only at the club. That happens once a month, and I dance all night (3-4 hours usually non stop). If I seldomly drink like this, how will it affect my training program?
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This is somewhat non-related to the topic.. But I have noticed that many of my pot smoking friends often blame their inability to do things on not having weed, and then their inability to do things on being high.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned munchies.

After roasting a bowl, I used to raid the nearest vending machines. It's not the actually bud thats bad, its the shi t it causes you to have to eat.