You Really should not be wasting you money on pills, drugs, or supplements all you need to do to lose weight is dedicate yourself to it!
It would be in your best interest, as well as your family's best interest, to pay more attention and look more closely at the labels on the packages of food that we eat. More importantly, pay close attention to foods labeled as "sugar free" or "low carb." If you want to get six pack abs, you will definitely need to watch your diet more closely. Whole grain foods might not be so whole grain as you previously have been led to believe. Why? Because there is a law that says food manufacturers only need to put in a fraction of whole grains as their foods' ingredients, in order to earn the right to be called whole grain. If only part of the ingredients are whole grain, what is the rest of the foods made of? How about refined starches or sugars? Would a product containing more sugar than soda pop help you get six pack abs? I'm sure you can just hear that belly fat growing just thinking about this.
In your efforts to get six pack abs, I am almost certain that you've come across those late night infomercials and advertisements telling you the great benefits of using an ab machine. But are there really any benefits to those ab machines? Maybe you've even tried these ab machines yourself. If you have, then you know more than anyone that there are no real benefits to doing ab crunches on them. The belly fat is still there. Ab belts are just as worthless.
Then there are those slow, boring cardio exercises. This is just another example of wasted time and effort. If you are also duped into trying those "magic pill" supplements, too, then you are just getting nowhere, financially or health wise. Are you ready to throw in the towel and give up the fight to get six pack abs? Are you resigned to just go through life with your belly-fat? Are you ready to be skeptical about yet another "get six pack abs" remedy?
The truth is, most nutritional supplements have no governmental regulatory agency to watch over them. This means they can say whatever they'd like and no one could stop them. Do you even want a part in this industry? Then forget about those "magic pills," will you?
And, if hours of cardio, lots of ab crunches, and countless dollars tossed away for supplements, then what hope do you have? Where is that cure for the flabby abs, that will help you get six pack abs?
First, you need to make some changes, no matter how drastic. This includes to both your nutritional strategy and to your exercise habits. Also, stop settling for the belly flab. Not when you don't have to. Nor think that you don't have time to get things done to get six pack abs. This is just not true. Don't ever think that doing more of the same that hasn't worked until now is the answer. Instead, think of doing something different. Learn to work with your body, not against it. Then, and only then, will you begin to understand, and to see, that you are on the road to get six pack abs.