SW: 232 lbs.
CW: 232 lbs.
Mini-GW: 200 lbs.
GW: 130 lbs.
BREAKFAST - 5:25am @ Home
- 1 1/2 Cups Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oats
- 1 Banana
- 1/2 Cup Protein Drink Mix (we ran out of milk
LUNCH - 12:30pm @ Fresh Choice
- 1 Plate Cesar Salad w/ Sparse Crutons
- 1 Tbsp Yellow Rice Mixed with 2 Tbsp Macaronie
- 1 Cup Non-Fat Ice Cream on top of a Low Fat Brownie
- 2 Glasses of Raspberry Iced Tea
SNACK - 5:40pm @ Home
- 1 Medium Apple
DINNER - 7:20pm @ Home
- 1 Crab (only it's legs - not fond of the body)
- 1 Small Cut of Steak
- 1 Cup White Rice
- 1/2 Can Kern's Mango Juice
- So far, 2 bottles. I also have trouble with increasing my water intake
- 5 minutes of stretching
- 40 minutes of working out my legs (calves, thighs, shin) on machines
- 10 minutes of the steam room
For the first day, I think everything went pretty well. I was never one to eat breakfast... I always felt like throwing up after - But today, I started off right! I actually ate breakfast, which is a first for me since I was a little girl. I don't know what it is, but breakfast is going to be one of the hardest things I'm going to have to get used to - LOL!
After breakfast, I dropped my boyfriend off to work and fell asleep @ his apartment for 2 hours. Is that bad? To eat breakfast and then go back to bed? I wasn't sure, but I wanted to give my brain and body a rest. When I got up, I headed to the library and studied for my final exam for 2 hours.
Is it the new way I'm eating? Because after lunch I had diarrhea
Sorry for the graphic details, but it scared me. Maybe it could just be the food at Fresh Choice. I thought I was never gonna make it to the gym with an achy tummy, but I picked myself up and went with my ever-so-supportive boyfriend. We worked out and talked about how disappointed we were in ourselves to let our weight go up so quickly. I also talked to him about my new work out plan and wanting to stay in shape. So far, so good!
I felt good today and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. I plan to workout in the morning, head back to the school library to study all day - but this time I'll bring healthy snacks to my study session
!! We'll see how it goes tomorrow~