Weight-Loss Aiight ya'll here's what I'm eating



New member
So thanks to everyone that offered advice on my 800-900 calorie diet I've done away with the idea---which I'm finding to be a mental challenge. Now I'm going for 1800 (still low but its a start). I am very hopeful that with the changes I will see some healthy weight loss.
I'm posting this because I just need some overall encouragement/advice/suggestions...need to know it's going to be okay.

Here are my stats again: 28 years young, started out at 304lbs Dec' 2006 but got comfortable by Feb' 07 so been maintaining at 275 ever since. Just started back trying to lose weight in January but haven't seen much success in terms of actual loss but my attitude towards weight loss and the improvements I've seen in my physical stamina are keeping me going. I would be content at 225 because of my proportions but 185 is ranch dressing on my carrot. I'm 5'6 and I work out 6 days a week, twice a day: in the AM a 30 min jog on the TM, 30 min on the eliptical. In the PM 30 min jog/walk and alternate days between 30 min circuit training or more cardio.

I tend to eat the same things all the time...easier for me so here's what I have planned for today:

Breakfast (7:30am) 410 calories

1 cup fiber one cereal (160 cal)
1 cup fiber soy milk (100 cal)
1 banana (120 cal)
10 raspberries (20 cal)
2 blackberries (10 cal)

Snack (10:00am) 310 calories

2 Rice Cakes (90 calories)
Cheese stick (100 Calories)
Red Pear (120)

Lunch (12:30pm) 330 calories

4 oz protein (today is salmon) (200 Calories)
1 cup vegetable (today is cabbage with light butter) (50 calories)
1 cup vegetable (today is mixed veges) (80 calories)

Snack (3:30pm) 205 calories

1 serving All Bran crackers (130 calories)
Tangerine (75 calories)

Dinner (7:00pm) 500+ calories

Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones Frozen Dinner (200 calories)
Side Salad with vinegarrette dressing (100 calories)
Fruit Smoothie with protein powder (200+calories)

Feedback anyone???
Just curious why you're going with the protein powder?

I'd definitely add in strength training... you will definitely thank yourself later for it -

I'm personally not a fan of the frozen dinners -it's got way too much stuff in it that I can't pronounce, plus I like to eat and the portions tend to not be satisfying for me -for the same amount of calories - I can do more flavor bigger portions and less processing...

Are you keeping track of your calories in a program like or the like? it's helpful to know where your nutrients are coming from...

Rice cakes? eh - they are kinda like styrofoam to me - and kind of nutritiionally vacant... but if you enjoy them -then enjoy :)
Hey Mal, thanks for the feedback! Yea, the frozen dinners are tough...Its a process...give me a year or so and I'll settle down and cook more.

I tend to just keep a small notebook for food journaling...you're right I should probably use an online program to track nutritional values.

LOL @ rice cakes...you know what I do...I buy the jalepeno cheese sticks and melt them on the rice cakes in the microwave and I love'em.

I went with protein powder b/c I was having such a hard time getting in over 100 grams of protein daily...figured the easiest way to get it in is a smoothie.