Weight-Loss ahgg .why do i do this?

I have been going for 10 days strong and mess up sometimes and have like a cupcake one day or a slice of pizza one day. But I keep within my calories and workout. Yesterday I just kind of didn't care about calories and ate a lot of things I shouldnt have.

Currently I have lost 3 pounds already, but I don't know if I just derailed that whole thing, I ate 4 cookies the night before, then yesterday it was just bad food all around. Pancakes, a cookie, BBQ Chicken with fries! And then brownies with icecream at night!

It's like when your with friends who have eating habits like that, that you used to do all the time, it feels like you should also, and then I got the temptation of saying, oh its only one day, I can pick myself back up.

But can I really? I feel like I really messed up this time and my week and a half worths of work is down the drain.

This is what gets me and I've given up before because of this.

take that hammer and beat yourself over the head with it...

Now get over it and go forward...

Why would you feel the need to give up?

So what you hada less than perfect day - get overt a ind keep going forward.

What you should be do9ing is a lifestyle change - into each life - some lessthan perfect days will fall.. Think big picture...
I also agree - if you have a bad day - get over it ASAP. Don't use it as an excuse to wait until next Monday to start again :)

But there are are two more factors to this. Ones that you need to address sooner rather than later if you're planning on making life-long changes (not just a short term weight loss).

Friends that drag you down are as you say a bad influence and certainly don't help the cause. Now you obviously can't just ditch all of them (although sometimes that's entirely possible :) ). But you can reduce your time with them, or you could stop using them as an excuse to "have bad days". It takes will power, to swim against the current, but maybe every time you're tempted, you should imagine just how bad you feel when you cheat and you throw all your good work down the drain.

The second factor here is - find out why you have unhealthy eating habits. What does food provide for you in the moments you binge out?

Tackling the cause rather than the symptom of bad eating habits will make it easier for you to keep up with your weight loss, and more importantly, it will help you make some life-long habits of healthy eating...
Your plan...for a better lifestyle isn't like a "castle on beach", but you must feel like a real, strong construction in side you. One bad day... shouldn't affect your journey; your plan...like a wave on a "castle on beach"

Yesterday is past...go to the right way, and make better than "yesterday".
Just take one day at a time and leave the past behind you. There's no reason to completely abandon all the hard work you've put in because you had one bad day.
Not only can you not get fat in one day, you can't possibly gain 1 pound in a day (unless you had 5000+ calories, which I highly doubt). If I was gonna give up every time I had a bad day, I would have to give up several times a month. We all mess up every now and then, that's part of the journey. You've been doing really well so far, who cares if you made a mistake? Just continue living healthy and don't worry too much about it.
I avoid a lot of those "bad days" and slip-ups because I don't even keep food like that in the house. I don't own ice cream or any unhealthy snacks & never buy them at the grocery store. If something ends up at my house like that, I take it out to the dumpster to avoid any temptation. Why do you have cookies or brownies? Throw them out right now. The only reason to keep food like that is to eat it.

I still make mistakes, but that mistake is a lot harder when I have to make a special trip to follow through with it. There's a snack shop near work that I usually go to when I'm hungry for a mid-day snack & now I only bring exact change to buy a piece of fruit, so even if I wanted a snickers, I couldn't have it. Change your habits- make it difficult to screw up.