Afraid a week of alcohol to ruin my target

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Well hello I just joined , wondering about alcohol , basically I am traveling for a week to Ibiza and this trip came after I have just shredded 20lbs off my weight almost reaching my target and I am afraid this week to add them back well I searched and I found the least calories is in tequila so I’ll stick to tequila only not mixing it with anything just lemon and there is a small gym in the hotel I’m in wouldn’t help in a full work out but has a treadmill I can run like 20 mins every morning
Also my coach advised me with water pills ( Xpel ) said it will definitely help along my other supplements in this particular situation

Other supplements : black spider , CLA , amino 150000

I workout : 5 days a week
i'm trying to think of a time that getting drunk was an actual plan rather than merely a result. can i ask how old you are?
Warning: I am not a nutritionist, or anything like it. My system is always to start the night with a glass of water, before anything alcoholic. Maybe not drink every night, or just keep it two drinks a night? And maybe have water in between every alcoholic drink?
over the years my hard alcohol consumption has diminished to maybe a Margarita when at a Mex place a few times a year and perhaps a Chivas on the rocks or two ... or three... when i'm in Vegas (for $1 tip) & taking public transportation. other than that, i only drink beer these days. a few IPA's or i'll fall back to Dos XX or Sam lager if i'm having more than 2-3. with a water back and typically working on the NYT puzzle, i can limit my damage to a few 100 cal/hr.
Hey Hysteria, welcome! And congratulations on the 20 lb weight loss, that must feel good.

You are right to be concerned about alcohol. There are a couple of problems, alcohol is empty calories, no nutritional value but caloric. The other problem is drinking can loosen your will power leading to over eating. Your plan of sticking to tequila and only using low/no calorie mixers makes sense so long as you don't drink too much, and you eat well otherwise. I don't know how water pills would help, what matters is your calorie uptake.

Have fun and don't gain much weight, that would be my plan if I were you!
Hey Hysteria, welcome! And congratulations on the 20 lb weight loss, that must feel good.

You are right to be concerned about alcohol. There are a couple of problems, alcohol is empty calories, no nutritional value but caloric. The other problem is drinking can loosen your will power leading to over eating. Your plan of sticking to tequila and only using low/no calorie mixers makes sense so long as you don't drink too much, and you eat well otherwise. I don't know how water pills would help, what matters is your calorie uptake.

Have fun and don't gain much weight, that would be my plan if I were you!
Thank you :) yes it does feel great losing the extra lbs and I’ll go with ur advise I’ll stick to 4 to 5 shots a day max shot is 65kcal I’ll go jugging every morning for 20 mins and I’ll use the water pill every morning to help me detox as well and freshen up my system and again thank u for the great advise
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