My name is Benjamin, I live in Northwest Coast and weigh one-hundred fifty pounds to one-hundred and sixty pounds. I am around five foot nine, and I am thirteen years old with Ukrainian heritage. I joined this forum because I am overweight, and I am eager for any help I can get. Throughout most of my life, I've been chubby, or heavier, taller and more developed than most of my peers. As of the moment I've grown to be the most overweight for as far as I can remember. I am, or was, a very active athlete and I participated in Wrestling and Rugby. I had began to develop muscle mass near the end of the summer of 2015, after boot camp. Ever since the end of November, I've began to feel the results of inactivity and I would like any help I could get. I struggle doing ten push ups straight, whereas beforehand I could reach forty or more easily. I have decided that the best chance I have is to begin exercising at home, but right now I don't know where to start, or where I am. When I look online they recommend exotic diets, involve exercising equipment (which I don't have access to) etc. Daily I walk to school for twenty minutes to half an hour and back. I go to Taekwondo two times a week for sixty minutes between 5:15 to 6:15. I am not interested in going on a diet, or purchasing processed meals and such. For breakfast I usually eat oatmeal, or fry some turkey sausage and spinach with toast. During break I usually buy a pastry or take a chocolate bar from my backpack. For lunch, I usually make myself a cucumber sandwich with cream cheese and turkey slices or buy something from the cafeteria. I usually make dinner with my mum, like Fried Rice with vegetables, or Stir Fry. The portions for dinner usually fill up a large bowl. I usually come home at five or four o'clock, and spend the rest of the day doing homework, chores, reading, texting, or spending time on my computer. I'd appreciate any help you could give me, or direct me somewhere I could receive help. I'm mostly interested in decreasing the size of my butt (I'm serious), losing weight, and becoming stronger.