Sport Advice to gain weight

Sport Fitness
Hi I just joined this board because I needed some advice on gaining weight. I am a very athletic and active father of two kids at the age of 22. I also am in the military. But that is besides the point. Well my diet is very full of food and I need some advice but I need to be able to do things on a very low budget.

pancakes and syrup
2 glasses milk,
bacon or sausage

sandwhich(peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese)
2 sodas
french fries


2 searvings of meat
1 of vegetables

through out the day I will be eating a high carb snack every 15-30 minutes, and for dessert on each meal I will have something high in sugar. If anyone has any ideas as to why I am 6'5" an only 160-170 please tell me. I seem to eat more food and loose weight.
One, that diet is terrible. You are taking in massive bad sugar/carbs.

To gain weight all it takes is up your calories intake and eating 5-6 meals a day. On a normal day given your stats you ROUGHLY burn 2900 calories. So what you need to to is add to that number to gain weight. I wouldn't go above 3400 calories to start off with. 3400 divide by 5 is 680. 680 calories is what you should be having each meal if having 5 meals a day.

As far as what you eat, stop with the sodas, chips, high fat meats. Just because you are trying to gain weight does not mean to do that to eat junk. You need good carbs, lean high protein meats, and good fats.

are you working out or planning too?