Advice Request: Beginning a 3.5 mile run!

I just measure the route that I'm going to start running at 3.5 miles. My goal
is fat loss, and also to build stamina because I play 5-a-side football every
week in a league, which tires you out very quickly.

1) What's the best way to combine fat burning with stamina increase?

2) If I'm doing the 3.5 mile route for example, how often should I do this? is
3 times a week sufficient? Also, I've read people don't start burning fat until
around 30-40 minutes into the exercise, so if my run only lasts 30 minutes,
does that mean I'm not burning near the fat I could by carrying on for another
15-25 minutes?

3) How should I apply rests on the run? In the past I ran for 1.5 miles, stopped
then walked for 5 minutes, ran another mile, stopped and walked for 5 minutes,
finished the run. Can you give any tips in this area?


-AudiTy =o
I'm no expert but this is my advice...

when you start you will want to run faster than you can maintain for that distance and get tired out... so plan on it... run for 100 yards... jog slow until you catch your breath.. then jog just a bit more... then repeat...

check out the stuff on HIIT (high intensity interval training)...

also instead of going after 3.5 miles... why not go for 1 mile... then 1.5... then 2... ... so perhaps you could walk 1... run 1.5.. walk 1 to start with...

the key is to figure out what your body can take... if you are not young anymore don't think your body is 18 anymore... you can't excercise through pain and expect it to go away like it did when you were young... listen to the aches and pains and rest them... because if you really hurt yourself you will not be taking a 1 or 2 day rest ... it will be weeks

Good luck... keep us up on your progress...