Advice please!

Hi friends,

I have lifting weights for about two years steadily and I think I am now ready for taking food supplements .I eat four times daily and have seen my friends taking food supplements but I do not want to go for the local products. The food supplement should be clinically tested, standardized product with good quality ingredients. I’ve been reading a lot about Dietary supplements and wonder from where I could get the best one for myself. It would be of great help if anyone could suggest me where to look for standardized food supplements. Thanks!
Why do you feel that you need supplements?

The only supps I take are whey and fish oils.... and I'd put them in the "food" category.

You can get supps from pretty much anywhere. The web, vitamin shoppe, gnc.....

I actually buy mine at Vitamin shoppe, but when I am in a time crunch I purchase from or

I am myself a weight lifter since three years and have been taking nutrient supplements from six months. Its true that many local stores supply protein and other nutritional supplements but I prefer As it provides vitamins, herbal, and dietary supplements that are all clinically tested, made using the most advanced manufacturing process, are standardized and with good quality ingredients ideal for professionals like me. You can get most of their products through physician, doctor, naturopath, pharmacy or health care professional. A physician who is member of American Pharmacist Association suggested me about Hope this would help you.
Why do you feel that you need supplements?

The only supps I take are whey and fish oils.... and I'd put them in the "food" category.

You can get supps from pretty much anywhere. The web, vitamin shoppe, gnc.....

I actually buy mine at Vitamin shoppe, but when I am in a time crunch I purchase from or

I agree. I dont take any either. I take only flax and fish oils. And, prefer my protein from hard real food. But Whey is great if one chooses to take this.

OP: What specifically are you looking for?