Sport advice/opinions on this diet..?

Sport Fitness
Hello hello!
i would appreciate it if you could give me some advice on the following diet?
i'm 16 and about 6'1.To let you know the point of the "diet".. i want to cut off a bit of fat around the abdominals and put on some muscle.

Cal. | Carb.| Protein.| Fat.| Of which Sat.
Cereal -- 127 | 25.7 | 4.3 | 0.8| 0.2|
Sugar -- 30 | 8 |
Milk -- 37 | 4.9 | 3.6 | 0.3| 0.1|

Cal.| Carb.| Protein.| Fat.| Of which Sat.
Cheese -- 300| 0| 14| 20 | 15|
Bagel -- 216| 42.8| 7.7 | 1.6| 0.2|

Cal.| Carb.| Protein.| Fat.| Of which Sat.
Yogurt-- 75| 10.2| 8 | 0.2 | 0.1
Yogurt-- 75 | 10.6| 8 | 0.2 | 0.1

Cal.| Carb.| Protein|. Fat.| Of which Sat.
Varies each evening.
Guesswork.... 800 cal.

Cal. | Carb. | Protein. | Fat. |Of which Sat.
1501 | 94.6 | 45 | 23.1| 15.7

The carb. protein and fats all dont include an amount for dinner..!

Thanks, any advice/ areas of improvment or comments would be appreciated! :)

Any ideas on areas of improvement?
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If anyone was wondering, I deleted the spam post and the posts that resulted. Though I must say I was tempted to leave ILMs response :D
If I were you I’d decide between cutting fat around your abs and building muscle. The 2 don’t have to be mutually exclusive but you’ll find it far easier to choose one of those goals to aim for. If you want to build muscle then up your calories; you’re a 6’1” guy so unless you currently weight about 80lbs then you’re not taking in enough calories to build size.

Take a read through the weight training 101 sticky and then follow the link to the nutritional stickies to get details on how to construct a healthy diet.

How heavy are you now btw?
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You're 16, still growing, IMO, you're not eating much. though that depends, what is your gender? :p

Over half your fat is saturated, that is a lot. You're not eating a lot of fat though, I'd include some more healthy fats in my diet if I were you. Eating nuts will help with that. Nuts are also a great snack between meals to get some more calories if it turns out you need that.

Now what are your goals exactly? You want to lose weight and build muscle? that can be hard to do at the same time unless you are a beginner. What sort of training do you do?
Damn you, now my post makes no sense!

I'll have to edit it now

Doh, you were writing while I was deleting, weren't you :p oh well..