advice on stretching...

Seeing as how Yoga types are big on stretching, i figured this would be a good place for this thread.

Im 38 and on a good day, can just touch my toes... I have always been like that which i realize isnt good. Now, at my age... I ache more than i should and im positive its due to the shortening of my muscles. They just arent as elastic as they used to be.

Now, I have heard once that martial artist types stretch until they feel or hear a 'pop' in the muscle. Do you know anything about this? I would like a head to toe cold stretch routine to do every morning before starting my day and if possible, a late night before bed routine... in case i miss the morning. Not to mention, how about a "right after the workout" routine while we are at it? Is any body up for the challenge? It would be so appreciated. I have several area's that are in trouble... My hip flexors from cycling, my shoulders from paddling, my wrists and forearms from heavy repeated lifting at work. Anything specific for these areas would be even more appreciated.

Thanks yogians, your the best.

Scott out
always warm up your muscles before you stretch or you could pull something. just like in sports, athletes run 1-2 laps before stretching. For me, I do warm ups with moving my arms, torso, ankles, neck, legs around and then I run 1-2 laps, and then I stretch, and then do whatever after that like exercising with weights or running miles, softball practice, etc.
I don't know about the popping muscles, but from the sounds of it... i dunno, no helpful comments from me on this one.

I'm an ex-ashtanga enthusiast (now i've warmed up more to kundalini yoga), so on the yoga questions:

MORNING ROUTINE: sun salutations are a solid way to stretch and energize as well as strengthen your core with time (if you do maintain proper vinyasa/flowing movement from each asana/pose to the other).

after-workout stretches: here are some really effecive stretches IMO, and you probably are familiar with some of them:

these are just some.. you can use the pose finder on yoga journal to match your preferences. Good luck, and i really recommend looking into pranayama/breath exercises and add it to your postworkout stretching. Also, finishing off with shavasana/corpse pose can really help you shift from a grueling workout to the rest of your day as it cools you down relaxing your body and mind. Try it after stretching, you'll get hooked.