what would you guys recommend just as a recovery/energy shake. I don't want to put on any more mass as im already 210lb jus want to be able to do hard sessions and be able to get through the day after. was thinking maximuscle viper but it seems a bit expensive.... cheers
I'd forget any brand name crap, you really don't need it. Whether you are cutting, bulking, or maintaining, I believe a dextrose/whey shake is the king for after a lifting or HIIT session.
Should you mix whey protein powder with dextrose in a single shake?
and how much whey/dextrose should i be taking i cant judge by grams..like 2 table spoons or what?
In what way is it bad to mix them in the same drink?
That's false, it's okay to mix them in the same drink.
Mix them in the same drink. The dextrose will make the shake a bit sweeter, but that's all. All you need to do is chug it.