Advice on my current diet and exercise


New member
So far it's been good losing weight. I was able to lose close to 80-90 lbs, and that was with a very physical job. I moved and no longer work at that job, so I haven't been able to keep physical (thankfully I didn't gain weight back though). I'm getting back into my routine to lose the rest, and wanted to know if everything here sounds so far.

Please tell me what you would change to help. I know weight loss doesn't happen over night, but as long as it's slowly going down I'm happy.

2,000 Calories / day
Low-fat, lots of fruits and vegetables. Lean meat.
The problem I have here is, what are some good meals for someone who likes it to be quick. I'm not a big fan of cooking so I usually go for something I can throw together quick or microwave (I was living on pizzas which I had to stop once I realized how bad it was).

Exercise (5 days a week):
30-45 minutes of jogging and brisk walking.
Pushups and crunches (as many as I can possibly do for 3 reps).
Barbells as much as I can handle for 2 reps.

Honestly, it's all been guesswork so far to me. I have just been doing what felt right. I haven't been able to ask what I'm doing wrong or right, so I can really use advice on what to change as far as diet and exercise go.

Thanks :)
Tips to maintain a healthy weight :-

Start your exercise regimen with a daily morning walk of 20 minutes and then proceed on to other light exercises like jogging, cycling etc.

Try substituting higher calorie food like potato chips or cookies with fruits and vegetables. This will not only help you maintain a healthy weight but also give you the right kind of nutrition.

Try eating whole grain cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits in order to add more fibre to your diet. Fibre-rich foods often make you feel full with fewer calories.

Switch to low-fat milk, low-fat cheeses and use mustard or olive oil instead of butter and ghee.

Choose snacks that are nutritious and filling. Have a piece of fresh fruit, cut raw vegetables, or a small bowl of low-fat yoghurt.

Make sure to eat only when you are hungry and slow down the pace of eating so that you can enjoy your meal. Keep in mind that it takes your stomach about 15 minutes to signal to your brain that you are full.

Regular physical activity burns calories and builds muscle - both of which help you look and feel good and keep weight off.

The amount of time spent watching TV, chatting on the computer, or playing video games should be sliced down. Limit recreational screen time to less than 2 hours a day.

Sugary beverages, such as sodas, packaged juices, and sports drinks are the culprits, causing excessive weight gain. So choose smaller portions of these drinks and go for water or low-fat milk instead of soda.

Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism and giving you energy to do more during the day. People who skip breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on.

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So far it's been good losing weight. I was able to lose close to 80-90 lbs, and that was with a very physical job. I moved and no longer work at that job, so I haven't been able to keep physical (thankfully I didn't gain weight back though). I'm getting back into my routine to lose the rest, and wanted to know if everything here sounds so far.

Please tell me what you would change to help. I know weight loss doesn't happen over night, but as long as it's slowly going down I'm happy.

2,000 Calories / day
Low-fat, lots of fruits and vegetables. Lean meat.
The problem I have here is, what are some good meals for someone who likes it to be quick. I'm not a big fan of cooking so I usually go for something I can throw together quick or microwave (I was living on pizzas which I had to stop once I realized how bad it was).

Exercise (5 days a week):
30-45 minutes of jogging and brisk walking.
Pushups and crunches (as many as I can possibly do for 3 reps).
Barbells as much as I can handle for 2 reps.

Honestly, it's all been guesswork so far to me. I have just been doing what felt right. I haven't been able to ask what I'm doing wrong or right, so I can really use advice on what to change as far as diet and exercise go.

Thanks :)

Awesome job on the 90 pounds so far! Thats HUGE!

Regarding the cooking thing - I am the same way. When I get hungry, I start losing my focus real quick and its a slippery slope. One way I solved this - I set aside sunday afternoon's to cook (grill really) enough chicken breast and beef to last me the rest of this week.

The downside is that you better like this stuff, or youre gonna burn out quickly on it. However, it works for me, and its something I can put in tupperware and grab quick to have for lunch at work, or something I can pop in the microwave and heat up for dinner - and not feel guilty afterwards.

As for the exercise front - if youre trying to cut weight - which is what 95% of the people on this website are doing, I prefer doing low weight high rep sets. You will still get plenty of exercise, but Ive found it also gets my heart rate going up, which is a little bonus cardio imo ;)

EDIT: This is in addition to running. Running is so good. I wish I was better at it. The one truth I keep reminding myself is you never EVER see an overweight marathon runner LOL. So keep going down that path!

Good luck DK! Youre doing awesome so far!