advice on meal prepping for a truck driver


New member
Hey everyone I'm new to the forum and I need some help with meal prepping. I'm a truck driver and I'm gone for 3-4 days a week. While I'm home I go to the gym everyday doing cardio and weights but while I'm on the road I drive team with my dad which means as soon as I'm done driving I get in the back and go to sleep and my dad gets up front and starts driving and vice versa. Since the truck very rarely stops it makes exercise very difficult and my diet that much more important. What are some good foods/meals that I could prepare for the few days that I'm on the road that would help me lose fat but help me keep my muscle mass. I have a mini fridge that I can fit plenty of food in and a microwave to warm it up. Thank you in advance for any and all advice you all can give me
Hey there! I find that making a big batch of chicken/meat and veg stew with some quinoa/brown rice is a really easy and tasty meal that works well for meal prep. I just make a big pot of stew and a big pot of rice/quinoa and then just portion it out into single serve containers. It might also be a good idea to do the same thing with snacks. So I'll do carrot, celery and cucumber sticks and take that to work with me. I imagine that you'll probably want something to snack on while you're on the road so making sure you have a healthy option with you will help to keep you satisfied. Good luck!