Sport Advice nutritional plan on my new nutritional plan....

Sport Fitness

I've been doing exercise basically all my life but it was until last year that I got injured that I understood the importance of weight training, now I cannot live without it. I have a personal trainer and I do 4 sessions a week (1hr each, very hard) + 40 mins cardio (low rate > swiming, elliptcal or stairs). The other 2 days a do a 1:20 cardio session and and I take sundays off :eek:

I have been doing a 1350 calories / low carb diet (40 - 60 gr a day) with great results at the beginning but I've hit plateau in the last couple of weeks. After reading a few articles here and there I understand is not very healthy so I decided to make a some changes, so I would really appreciate if you could check my plan and let me now what you think

I"m 5.2" / 116.6 lbs / 30 years / 15.6%.fat...... My goal is to loose some fat while keep getting more fit (more muscles!!!) but don't want look very 'big" (with that said you must realize I'm female jajaja :D )

30 gr whole oats
2 tbs ground flax seeds
2 tbs wheat germ
8 strawberries
1 natural low fat yogurt
2 egg whites
1 light turkey deli

11:45 Pre-workout: apple

2:30 lunch (I don't have much time so it's also my PWO meal)
3.5 on chicken or fish or 3 on. grilled white cheese
2 cups salad (lettuce,mushroom, pepper, celery, etc)
1/2 tbs olive oil
1 tbs balsamic vinegar
dessert: low-fat jello + 2 tbs yogurt + 20 grs brazilian nuts

5:30 Snack:
1/2 cup Cottage cheese + 2 tbs ground flax seeds

8:80 Cena:
100 gr grilled fish
2 cups greens (broccoli,etc)
1/2 tbs olive oil
dessert: low-fat jello + 2 tbs yogurt + 20 grs brazilian nuts

10:30 Before bed
2 slices of light turkey + 1/2 cup Cottage cheese

I was thinking of starting with HIIT this week after weight training. I'm looking forward to know your suggestions!!!!! ;)
Looks like a well rounded diet. You should be comsuming about 1800 cals a day, ballpark.
Thanks a lot for your comments guys ;)

It´s about 1650 calories:

Protein: 180g
Fat 60g
Carb 110g

What do you think?