Advice Needed....weight loss plateau!


New member
Hi Everyone, Im new to this forum and looking for some advice.

I am 172cm and weighed 92kg, 36 yrs old, was as high as 98kg 12 months ago!

After a recent health issue (nothing too serious) it kinda made me take fitness and eating healthy more serious.

Due to my medical issue i have to stay off red meat, alcohol, dairy, fried and spicey foods. I have started cardio gym class every day and also do some walking in the mornings before work around 5km. So im eating well and exercising, also only drinking water, i dont drink coffee or tea and have completley stopped sugar based drinks.

My question is the first 4 weeks i noticed a condiserable loss in weight around 5kg but recently i seem to have plateaued and my weight is contact around 85kg. Looking at BMI i should be around 75kg....what can i do to get the weight down and why have i plateaued?

Any advice would be great!

Thank you
I calculate your BMI to 28.73 which is indeed considered to be overweight according to the BMI tables...

A lot of very fit people end up with BMIs similar to this if they have a lot of muscle. Have you considered getting your percentage bodyfat calculated? You go to a gym class - is that something that your instructor could help you with?

Failing that there could be something that you are missing that is keeping you a little high in weight.
I remember on my big project - I hovered for quite a long time above the weight that I had set for my target.
I suddenly realised that I was eating home made vegetable soup (which was low calorie and filling) and using a stock cube which had a high sodium content... I cut out the soup and my weight came down incredibly quickly.

If your foods are low in calorie when you add it all up - considering portion size and everything - then it is worth looking for something like that.
Thank you for your reply, what i have noticed recently regarding my diet is that my carb intake has increased. Im basically on a vegan diet due to my illness issues and diet consists of of veg and huumus and salads etc, not strictly vegan because i do have some eggs for breakfast and im sure some of the soup im eating has butter in it. But my bread intake has gone through the roof because im hungry so having scrammbled egg on toast or pitta bread with my hummus.

Will try to cut back on the bread/carb see if that helps...

Does anyone recommend weight training/free weights/dumbells/barbells for weight loss and if so is there any tips?
Cutting back on bread has always been a good move for me.

I am not an expert on weight training so I would not feel comfortable giving advice there - but it certainly benefits you for weight loss... My limit always was little wrist and ankle weights and the kind of exercises you get at a keep fit or pilates classs.

Hopefully someone else will pop in to help.

lifting while in a calorie deficit for weight loss is important. Lifting signals to your body that the muscle you currently have is important and forcing the body use your fat stores rather than muscle for energy. Maintaining muscle is important for keeping up your metabolism.

the lifting will not burn many calories unless the session is very heavy and very intense but the increased calorie burn will continue for some time after you stop exercising.

If you have specific questions about lifting don't hesitate to post them, however the biggest tip when you begin is to start slow and develop perfect technique preferably with somebody qualified to teach, remember not all personal trainers actually know much, many only specialise in group classes and know very little about lifting.
Basically as you lose weight, your metabolism decrease which cause you to burn lesser calories than you did previously at a heavier weight. Your slower metabolism will slow your weight loss process, even if you eat the constant amount of calories that facilitated you to lose weight. When the calories you burn equal the calories you eat, you reach a plateau
Hi Steve

So I've been taking the approach of eating right and working out pretty intensely almost every day. I'm a chick so it's even harder to adjust to consistent lifting and people asking me "if I'm sure I should be doing all that".

However, after years of doing one thing or the other, I just got fed up and started doing both in January.

What I've noticed:

Sometimes the weight falls off and then I plateau for a while. I attribute this to muscle gain or a "calming down"in my diet. I almost reached my short term goal to get under 200, & I stopped losing for like 2 weeks! and I may or may not have (ok I did) are a few more carbs than I should have while traveling for work. However, I am still eating very healthy and eating the right KINDS of carbs, so it was irritating.

I worked out almost every day though, and then I had a work trip whereI couldn't find the time to work out for about 4 days (I thought I might lose my habit I'd formed), and was kind of ticked at myself. I got in the scale two days later, and viola, down to 198.

I lost another 5 pounds the next couple weeks and been there ever since.

I've started taking all the advice I've read over the years, though, and my motivation is sky high.

*I'm weighing myself periodically, but I also measure my body EVERY WHERE about 2 times per month. Some people call that excessive, but it helped me so much during my plateau. I saw huge changes in the measurements

* I log my food every day in this app called lose it. I log EVERYTHING, even bad stuff like when I went to Vegas and ate at the buffet....just keeping it real.

* I eat healthy food and focus on putting the right things in my body now. I have soda occasionally as that was my vice, but I drink water 24/7.

*I have a Pinterest board that allows me to save workouts and I do one every day except Friday. I hate cardio so I do that for 20 minutes every day as well

My mantra is "I can't possibly go BAVKWARDS by eating right and I can't get any healthier by eating properly, so what would be the point of going back? " this mission is possible, even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it
This app is also cool, and it helps keep track of where I am, even if I'm moving slow right now.