Sport Advice needed on what to eat

Sport Fitness
ok here goes...i want to tone my body up, not nessacerily lose weight (well just a bit) ;)
for the past 2-3 weeks all im eating is:

salads, pasta, fruit, granary bread and all bran cereal, ive had nothing else maybe a fishfinger or two with the pasta but thats about it.
im not sure if this is a good thing or not as im sooooo confused can anyone advice me on anything that i SHOULD be including BTW im on a low budget with 2 children :rolleyes:
you need protein. without protein, you'll lose muscle mass, and muscle burns more calories.

to tone, you need to lose fat, and have adequate muscle mass. the only way a muscle appears 'toned' is when body fat isn't covering it, and thus you can see the definition in the muscle, and the separation between the muscles.

cheap protein sources include egg whites (you can add a yolk too, but go easy since the yolk contains fat), 1-2% milkfat cottage cheese, lean cuts of beef, canned tuna, and chicken/turkey breast. Any fish will do too, but you can't bread it or fry it...should be baked/broiled/grilled only.
5-6 smaller meals a day is better than 2-3 larger meals a day.
do cardio, and lift weights. don't fall for 'high reps, low weight' either...go for heavier weight, and lower reps, 6-10 rep range. You are a woman and lack the testosterone needed to get 'bulky', so heavy weight will simply increase lean mass, and thus increase the toned look as you lose body fat.

you might wanna drop the pasta, in favor of long grain brown rice.

You could also start tracking food intake at (its free). if you could track your diet religiously for a couple days, and share the fitday journal with me, I could comment more concretely on what you should change about your diet and workout routine.

Also, height & weight would be helpful. feel free to look at the fitday journal in my signature if you want to see an example before you signup.
My height is 5' 4" my weight is 11 stones (im in UK) lol
i do eat alot of boiled eggs, well i usually have 2 boiled eggs for dinner.
also cottage cheese i eat alot of....
im not sure how the diary thingy works can u explain?