Advice for weight loss and diet tailored to me :)


New member

Im male, 17 years old and really want to lose some weight, I've been just that little bit overweight my whole life, not enough to be overly taunted about at school or even much of a health risk but enough so that its bothered me. The problem is, I don't know what to do to lose it, I don't think I'd have much to lose, 1-2 stone tops but I just haven't got a clue.

My diet isn't too unhealthy, I do though eat too much and snack more than most and I do a modest amount of exercise, I play mens league 5 a side football twice weekly and have recently joined the gym which I haven't gotten into as of yet.

I was just wondering, if any of you experienced dieters and excercisers can point me in the right direction? What sort of excercises should I be doing and how much of it should I do? Also, what sort of foods should I be eating and what should I not? And how much I should be eating? My parents are both hopeless on this kind of thing although my mum would never serve me anything unhealthy.

Thanks in advance :)

P.s. I'm 5'8 and weight 13 stone exactly although im pretty muscley, some might say I'm well built.