advice and motivation please!


New member
Well, to start out, i am 16, and in highschool, 5 foot, 4 inches. And while some might say a high schooler should not be worrying too much about their body, i still find myself constantly aware of my body, and how much i eat, etc. It never does come off of my mind really. I am extremely self conscious and i find that it is getting in the way of my happiness.
I have always struggled with my weight, and in the past i have had a border line eating disorder a while ago. but i am over that part now. In December i weighed 134 pounds. and i wasn't completely happy with that, but it didn't seem to make me unhappy. it just made me discouraged sometimes.
But, now ( early may ) i find myself weighing 143 pounds, which i find absolutely appalling. I don't know why i gained so much weight in a sort of short period of time because i did not eat any different, or exercise any different than usual. But i guess those two months were extremely stressful and that might have been it. I don't know. I gained weight on my hips and my butt and thighs, and i would love some recommendations of workouts that will help me reduce the fat and tone there! Please and thank you very much.
And, i am aiming to loose about 10-15 by the time of mid June or July, and i am going to start over a new leaf with eating and exercising! Please try and help keep me motivated.

It sounds that your motivation has started since your posting, which is great. If you look to lose 1-2lbs of body fat a week, I think you could easily reach your goals by July. The most important part will be eating healthy.

As for more motivation, you could hang a bathing suit or some other forms of clothing that you will be wearing this summer to constantly remind yourself that the summer is coming.

Personally I joined a transformation contest for motivation. I actually posted my before pictures on the internet and there was no way my final pictures were going to look anything like the before shots.

Hope that helps!
hey! so sorry to hear of your struggles but im kinda the same way. im struggling to lose 5 lbs and i find myself constantly obsessed with diet, food, weight, exercise, etc. to a point where i can't enjoy other things? its very bad i know but hopefully we can help each other through this! :) feel free to PM me anytime.... talking about it really helps me out and im pretty sure my friends are sick of my ranting :p


A possible "motivational" tool would be to mix things up a little.

1. A walk in the park.
2. Weights at the gym.
3. A swim at the pool.
4. A run in the hills.
............grab a buddy to do it with you if you can.

You could do something similar for your food menu. And of course celebrate along the way.

Aaron Riddell
You could also try eating something new every week - a new recipe a newtype of healthy food that you never have tried. Make food something you enjoy rather than something you just obsess over.