Advice about weight loss (please)


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm 24 years old and an avid athlete and have been most of my life. About a year ago I suffered an injury (foot) which prevented me from doing anything cardio oriented (or anything for that manner) for 6 months. I ballooned to 190 from a 5'7, 162lbs. I have lost 10 pounds so I am down to 180. I gained the weight in my stomach, obliques, and hips.

Unfortunately I have always been a 'hard loser, easy gainer'. I am looking to shed BODY FAT but especially around the areas I mentioned above.

I am back to running 30 minutes, 5 days a week and currently weight training 3 days a week plus playing an hour or two of some organized sport one day a week. However I am having trouble losing the weight.

Can anyone give me some advice on how to achieve this goal including a suggested diet, calorie intake, how much cardio, and weights, etc.

Again, my overall goal is to go from 180 to 160 and losing BODY FAT.

I would be very greatful for any advice anyone can give me.
I look forward to reading the postings.
Start reading the stickied threads.. start in nutrition, then go to on topic, and then exercise -it's a lot of information but each of your questions has an answer in one ofthose threads...
Without knowing exactly what your weight training entails, it sounds like your exercise is in check. 3-5 days of cardio coupled with 2-3 days of weights is plenty.

If you're not realizing success with that... you're diet is off.

Are you male?

Are you tracking your calories?

If so, how?

What are you eating?
I have a lowcarb / moderate protein diet. I include 2-3 servings of fruit and 3-4 servings of vegetables in this regime as well. I eat a low carb diet not only for the weight loss benefit but because my body does not respond well to wheat products (bloating, stomach pain, etc.)

I am a male by the way to answer a question to the post above.

Thanks for the replies too, keep'em coming.
1. What weight loss benefits associated to low carb?

2. You did not answer my questions about calories and tracking.

3. Don't start other threads asking the same exact questions.
I don't track my calories. I just eat when I'm hungry and don't snack between meals.

As for low carb, when I eat a high carbohydrate meal I get an upset stomach. I have always been like that therefore the benefit from a diet low in carbs is feeling well.

Third, sorry about a second post, just was taking the advice of user maleficent and putting a post in another section. I misread his suggestion and thought he said post in nutrition and not read in nutrition.
I am also in the same boat.

I agree that sometimes pills could help burn your fat a little bit automatically for you. However, exercises, diet, etc.., are what I have been doing too recently. The problem is, if ever I stop a little bit, the fat comes back again, then execise/diet, lose weight, stop, fat again... It is a dreadful cycle almost for everybody fighting fat.

I am also continuing researching on this subject. I think if you are serious about weight loss you have to know something that really matters to you. There are some interesting findings about the weight loss recently. One is what I read from

A medical doctor basically told us that it's what inside of our body that prevents us from losing weight permanently and effectively. I think we should read this one if weight matters to you.
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Im not shoveling the first thing that comes into my face. I eat chicken, tuna, and eggs. I have a salad once a day with vinegar and oil, no other dressings. I eat very little cheese and saturated fat (other than 1 serving of peanut butter daily). Drink very little soda (only when Im sick or its the only option available) and have 2-3 drinks a week (red wine mostly). My carb intake is brown rice and I alott myself 1 piece of bread daily along with assorted fruits (2-3) servings.

I just don't know what else to do.....

Anymore advice keep it coming
Couple things you can try.

- Try drinking only water, ever, no excuses.

- Whatever you're eating now, eat slightly less of it, even if it's "healthy food".

- Change your workout up: instead of running for 30 minutes, run for 10 twice as fast then walk the remaining 20 on two of your cardio days.

- On your normal cardio days, instead of running for a set time, run for distances. Gradually increase that distance in half mile increments every other week or so (whatever works best for you).

- Make sure to get enough sleep every night.

- Last resort to breaking a plateau (and this has worked for me 3x now), take two weeks off the whole diet/exercise and just live life, eat what you want, when you want. I've never gone up more than water weight even during these periods so I dunno, its weird. But when I come back to my training it's like my body understands it has a new starting point and can now proceed to keep dropping fat. I was stuck at 190 literally for a month and a half while working out harder than ever and eating very healthy, it took a two week break for me start dropping again.
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Ayurveda promotes using more fruits and green veggies, avoid too much salt, and avoid fat rich dairy products, meat and non-vegetarian foods. Use dry ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper (fat burners). Avoid rice and potatoes, but go with a wheat based cereal. Eat bitter gourd, and take honey as it mobilizes fat deposits (10 gms daily in hot water with 1 tsp of lemon juice). Try a lime/honey fast to keep energy levels up. Juice of half a lime, 1 tsp fresh honey in lukewarm water at regular intervals. Cabbage is touted for inhibiting the conversion of sugar and other carbs into fat. Eat raw or cooked. And, make your portions smaller.
Hey All,

Ive recently started the trim in 20 program from mysummerbody and it takes you through everything (even nutrition). I now feel like I have direction and something to follow.

Hope this helps.
An important things when comes about loosing weight is to be psychologically prepared for a great challenge. If you are not 100 % decided to make a lot of compromises than you have no chance to loose weight doesn't matter the method you choose.
You must learn to be focus on every part of your weight loss plan. Don’t even think you can use this weight loss tips without exercising, don’t expect to just watch television eating a bag of chips every night, they won’t do a thing for you.

If you are sincerely serious about losing weight, then you must be ready to add this weight loss tips to your lifestyle.

If you must lose weight and look the way you want, you must speed up your metabolism. Your metabolism is responsible for the breakdown of nutrients in your bloodstream. It adds more lean muscle to your body which results in increase expenditure of your energy. Means you will get rid of more fat in record time.

You have billions if not trillions of cells in your body system that can use up as much energy as possible provided you are active. The weight loss tips listed below will help you do this. But if you are not active it would not burn much fat which means you have a tendency to add more fat than burnt.

Fortunately, using this simple yet effective weight loss tips inconjuction with healthy and active exercise you will speed up your metabolism.

Here we go

Tip #1 : Be selective in your eating. Some food additives, like spices, can help fasten your metabolism by creating a thermodynamic burn that has been proved to last several hours after you eat.

Tip #2: Be time curious. Most of your calories should come very early in the day. You meals should contain less amount of calories as the day goes on. Make sure you eat little or nothing at all after you dinner. But make sure you don’t skip meals. Eat at least 4-6 small meals each day rather than the normal 3 big meals.

Tip #3 : Eat enough. The biggest mistake dieters make is trying to eat far lesser than their body needs. If you don’t give your body the proper amount of calories, your body gets into a false survival mode ( this can also be call starvation mode). When your body gets into the survival mode it reserve or conserves energy in preparation for a possible long starvation period.

On the opposite side of this, eating far to many calories will make the body store or save the excess which it does not need as fat. You need lots of exercising so as to burn more fat than your body stores. Therefore, moderation is the key when it comes to calorie intake.

Tip #4: Learn to increase your daily activities. If you must prevent fat storage and burn the excess fat that you might be carry in your body, you must increase your daily activities in terms of exercise.

This must include endurance and cardiovascular training. The key is, the more calories you burn, the more your chances of losing weight. Very simple. A little increase in lean muscle mass in turn results to serious increase in fat burning.

You must also try to exercise first thing in the morning after your morning prayers. Research shows you can dramatically enhance your fat burning ability if you exercise regularly in the morning after the night rest.

Tip #5 : Make sure you do weight lifting before engaging in any cardiovascular work. The only exception of course is to perform 5 - 10 minutes of cardio before your weight training in order to warm up your muscles.

This aspect is very important due largely to the fact that your body needs lots of energy in your muscles before weight training can take place. By the time you finish your weight training session you must have used up all the prefered energy sources.

This simply implies that you will be burning more fat cells during your cardio sessions.

But in the reverse of the above you will only be burning your carbohydrate sources of energy during cardiovascular sessions. No fat cell or cell is or are burnt or used up for energy in this situation and you will not have enough energy in your muscles, which are needed in order to get the best out of your weight training.

importantly, you will not increase your lean muscle, which is an unavoidable part if you must lose weight.

Tip # 6 : Change your exercise routine regularly. You must learn to change your exercise routine at least every 2-3 weeks. This could be a change in the number of reps or sets per exercise. It is the exercise order your perform and the exercises themselves.

Doing the same thing over and over again for a long period will make your body adapt and start to get use to what you do regularly and will eventually take it as normal and stop making changes. This also means you will stop adding more lean muscles.

One thing you must know is that the more muscles you have the more you burn calories, even when sleeping.

Tip # 7: Your Meal compositions or combinations. Always eat protein/carbohydrate meals in the morning. Eat protein/ fat combination meals ( this means lesser or no carbohydrates) late in the afternoon or evening.

The only exception is if you normally exercise in the evening. Then your first meal after your workout should consist of protein and carbohydrates.

Don’t make the mistake of eating carbohydrate and fat together in the same meal.

These 7 weight loss tips will help fasten or speed up your metabolism and burn excess and unwanted fat at a much faster rate.

Try these fast weight loss tips out for a while and you’ll notice a difference after a couple of weeks.
If you must lose weight and look the way you want, you must speed up your metabolism.

What is metabolism?

It adds more lean muscle to your body

Can you elaborate please?

which results in increase expenditure of your energy.

How does a dieter add enough lean muscle to impact metabolic rate?

You have billions if not trillions of cells in your body system that can use up as much energy as possible provided you are active. The weight loss tips listed below will help you do this. But if you are not active it would not burn much fat which means you have a tendency to add more fat than burnt.

This is profound, really.

Tip #1 : Be selective in your eating. Some food additives, like spices, can help fasten your metabolism by creating a thermodynamic burn that has been proved to last several hours after you eat.

I'd like to see said proof, please?

Also, is your really just that: eat "some" additives?


Tip #2: Be time curious. Most of your calories should come very early in the day. You meals should contain less amount of calories as the day goes on. Make sure you eat little or nothing at all after you dinner.


But make sure you don’t skip meals.


Eat at least 4-6 small meals each day rather than the normal 3 big meals.


Tip #3 : Eat enough. The biggest mistake dieters make is trying to eat far lesser than their body needs. If you don’t give your body the proper amount of calories, your body gets into a false survival mode ( this can also be call starvation mode). When your body gets into the survival mode it reserve or conserves energy in preparation for a possible long starvation period.

The starvation response occurs regardless of the size of the caloric deficit.

This must include endurance and cardiovascular training.

What's the difference?

A little increase in lean muscle mass in turn results to serious increase in fat burning.

How much?

You must also try to exercise first thing in the morning after your morning prayers. Research shows you can dramatically enhance your fat burning ability if you exercise regularly in the morning after the night rest.

Show the research.

This simply implies that you will be burning more fat cells during your cardio sessions.

It's funny. I always thought we burned fatty acids. But what do I know?


I'll stop here b/c I honestly can't take more.

Newsflash: You are seriously misinformed and should stop handing out advice immediately.
burning fat CELLS....

now that's a classic! haha. Agreed with above.