Additional help for my weight loss program

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Hello people,I have 15 years and around 87-90 kilograms.
So I created a weight loss program for myself.
It was simple;
I ate 500-1500 calories a day since June the 15th and made 30-min long exercises every evening.
But today when I saw my actual weight I was shocked.
It was still around 87kg and I had still a big belly when I [1]pushed it with my breath.
([1]My stomach is actually straining itself but I forcefully wanted to see it's actual size )
Tbh,I don't know what to do now,I expected to lose at least 3 kilos via 20 days of constantly eating less than 1500 calories (maybe an exception once or twice when I ate 2000 calories)
I also drank 2 liters of water every day.
I guess nothing helped!
Tomorrow I am planning an even more extreme diet;
No sugar or bread (I was addicted to bread,I ate it everyday with every meal)
No fruit juice or what so ever (I drink them barely though)
And no more than 1000 calories a day.
Also I am planning to give up my exercise because it only helped me to tigthen my ass and enlarge my muscles a bit. (but it didn't help me to lose weight)
I would appreciate it if You folks would give me some tips about my diet,e.g. what am I doing wrong and what I should do right.
Hello! Congrats on your decision to better your health. I'd like to start by saying you guesstimated 87 - 90 kilograms, expected to lose 3 kilograms, and you ended up being 87 kilograms. If you were at 90, then you actually reached your goal... Right? Congratulations!

How are you tracking your calories? If you're not entering your food into a calorie counter (I use MyFitnessPal) then it's very likely that you're consuming more then your calorie "budget" and you're not aware of it. Calorie counting can be a pain, but it is a very useful tool to be more accurate and aware of your choices. Also, you're range of calories is quite broad. I suggest doing some research to find out how many calories you, personally, should be eating to lose weight. There are many online calculators... They will give you number and it will make for a good target. Going over sometimes is ok, as well as going under sometimes is ok...As long as you know around where you should be. Of course, as you lose weight you will want to adjust your calorie intake to your new weight. Personally, I fluctuate my nutrients and total calories based on my activity level. You will lose weight if you create a calorie deficit.

In addition to the calorie counting tip, which I promise will make a huge difference, is going to be the following:
- Up your water intake to 3 liters/day (more is even better)
- Limit your sugar and carbohydrate intake (this will include fruit juice - I would suggest no juice at all).
- Most importantly, focus on changes that you can sustain for your life and not extremism that may end up only causing discouragement or binges.

Regarding not exercising, that is completely fine. If you feel like you are wasting your time then don't exercise. You can lose weight with only your diet, exercising just makes it easier to create a deficit. It's not my favorite method but it is true. Make your diet a healthy obsession and you will start to see the changes.

Good luck!
thanks for replying
In 10th June I got 87 kilos
and I am gonna check my weight on the 15th to see if I reached any progress
in these 5 days I counted my calorie in-take very precisely;
10th June:1100 calories
11th June:1000 calories
12th June:700 calories
13th June:1100 calories
14th June:500 calories (planned)
15th June:500 calories (planned)
I tend to decrease my calorie in-take everyday
also I started to avoid sugar on tuesdays,wednesdays,thursdays and fridays
I allow myself eating things like chocolate and stuff like that on weekends but in a limited number.
But I think my biggest obstacle is my bread in-take which makes at least 40'/. of my calorie in-take;
in the past three days I completely stopped eating white bread.Today I ate just a chunk of it.
About my water in-take:
I always drank a small amount of water;but in June I started drinking at least 2L of water everyday+a glass of fine hot water every morning
Tomorrow I will try to get up to 3 liters.

Oh,I completely forgot my aim;
-Reaching 85 kilos till late July
-Reaching 80 kilos till mid August
-Reaching 75-78 kilos till early September
After that I will be completely unable to keep up with my diet due to school. (where I will waste 70'/. of my day)
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