I'm a soda-junkie and I'll go through more pop than you could imagine. Every day. I've never been fat before, but this can't be good for my working out. How can I fight this. And I can't drink the diet stuff.
If it's caffeine you need, try black coffee in the mornings? I have a hard time sympathizing with this kind of stuff. You know it's bad, it's wasting money, what is stopping you from switching to water?
Coke zero, mmm...
Do you know anything about food addictions? If it was as easy as "I'll just stop drinking it." then it wouldn't be an addiction would it? Think before you say something.
I'm a soda-junkie and I'll go through more pop than you could imagine. Every day. I've never been fat before, but this can't be good for my working out. How can I fight this. And I can't drink the diet stuff.
ChrisJG, you essentially just gave the same advise as everyone else, saying "Personally, I find that cold turkey is the best way to break addictions but, it is never a pleasant or easy experience and it won't work for everyone. Try it - see how you get on."
So just the fact that you said it nicer makes it better?
Do you know anything about food addictions? If it was as easy as "I'll just stop drinking it." then it wouldn't be an addiction would it? Think before you say something.