Sport Addiction...

Sport Fitness
I'm a soda-junkie and I'll go through more pop than you could imagine. Every day. I've never been fat before, but this can't be good for my working out. How can I fight this. And I can't drink the diet stuff.
Stop buying it?
If it's caffeine you need, try black coffee in the mornings? I have a hard time sympathizing with this kind of stuff. You know it's bad, it's wasting money, what is stopping you from switching to water?
If it's caffeine you need, try black coffee in the mornings? I have a hard time sympathizing with this kind of stuff. You know it's bad, it's wasting money, what is stopping you from switching to water?

Do you know anything about food addictions? If it was as easy as "I'll just stop drinking it." then it wouldn't be an addiction would it? Think before you say something.
Well if it's so serious, why are making a post on an Internet board? Get professional help if you seriously can't stop drinking soda. Simple as that.
i agree with markmywords...i stopped eating all the bad crap that i used to eat... you cant complain on an internet board and expect someone to give you a solution ...some things just take discipline.
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Do without for 2 weeks, then try the diet stuff and you'll be amazed at how good it is. Try sugar free kool aid, crystal light etc. If you absolutely can't do sugar free pop there are a lot of other varieties of drinks out there. Good luck, Greg
Soda can be very addictive. Sometimes its not just a matter of giving something up cold turkey. There are chemical reactions in the brain that cause people to have addictions to certain things. I have heard somewhere that chocolate to a chocolate addict is like heroin to a herion addict. I know what it is like to give something up, I gave up some pretty hard drugs a while back.

The best thing you can do is to start trying to drink more water and other healthier alternatives. Slowly wean yourself off them dont try and just go cold turkey.

You can do it man.
I'm a soda-junkie and I'll go through more pop than you could imagine. Every day. I've never been fat before, but this can't be good for my working out. How can I fight this. And I can't drink the diet stuff.

I read some recent articles lately, and I am going to post some thoughts based on memory of these articles, as I think its relevent to the OP's thread topic:

Sometimes we stuff our faces or drink things we know we shouldn't, and then beat ourselves up later. Blame this on your internal P.I.G.

"Problem with Immediate Gratification"

When you crave something, stop and ask yourself: Is it me that is hungry? Do I really need this, or is it my PIG?

If its your PIG you dont have to listen to it; you can distract it.

Take your PIG for a walk, feed it healthier food to satisfy the craving (like drinking several glasses of water--that should cure may not want the soda or water for a few hours----> :) )

In other words have somthing in place (like have preached many times on this forum) to counter act weakness ponts. I have some ideas that you can decide to use if you want them.

Because if you keep feeding your PIG everytime its OINKS (LOL), pretty soon you gett a bigger PIG.........

The bigger the PIG the harder it is to FENCE IN.

Best wishes to you,

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The way that I cut soda out of was by taking steps. And its definatly NOT as easy as some(markymywords) seem to put it. "Just stop/go cold turkey".
I started by switching over to diet, it's not as good but satisfies the craving. I then substituted diet soda for crystal light. It was a bit harder than normal-->diet but its doable. Then you slowly reduce the amount you have per day. Instead of having 2-3(or w/e) CLights per day have 1-2. then start having plain water and only once in a while throw in a crystal light. Now I drink almost only plain water all the time.
Whilst I have never been addicted to soda and find it hard to imagine how anyone can be, it still annoys the hell out of me to see posts from the "Just stop drinking it!" brigade.

I have a history of various addictions, the most public and most notable and most recently overcome, being nicoteen. The number of times I heard "Why don't you just stop" etc. and non-smokers telling me how easy it is not to smoke.

Of course its easy if you're not addicted. Same for soda - sounds easy not to drink it when you speak from a position of not being addicted. For someone who craves it, its not so easy.

Personally, I find that cold turkey is the best way to break addictions but, it is never a pleasant or easy experience and it won't work for everyone. Try it - see how you get on.

Best of luck.
Jeez, now I got everybody wanting to **** down my throat. OK, my bad, I was insensitive. But still, what else is there to say?

ChrisJG, you essentially just gave the same advise as everyone else, saying "Personally, I find that cold turkey is the best way to break addictions but, it is never a pleasant or easy experience and it won't work for everyone. Try it - see how you get on." So just the fact that you said it nicer makes it better?
ChrisJG, you essentially just gave the same advise as everyone else, saying "Personally, I find that cold turkey is the best way to break addictions but, it is never a pleasant or easy experience and it won't work for everyone. Try it - see how you get on."

A lot of the advice on this thread talked about cutting down gradually, changing to diet soda etc. whereas I was suggesting going cold turkey. How is that the same advice as everyone else? That aside, as you can see from what I said, I was speaking about my own personal experiences of breaking addictions. That doesn't mean it will work for everybody, it simply worked for me.

So just the fact that you said it nicer makes it better?


Although I'm not convinced that you and I were reading from the same page in what we posted (or even necessarily the same book!) ;)
Hah! Alright alright, I'll try to be more understanding. Although my original post was pretty much saying just stop (i.e. cold turkey), just in a different way.
Do you know anything about food addictions? If it was as easy as "I'll just stop drinking it." then it wouldn't be an addiction would it? Think before you say something.

Yes, it is an addiction, but you need to have some will power... Just because you have an addiction doesn't mean it isn't hard. There isn't a magic pill that will cure it. Do what every addict does: set goals, create a support group, and find healthy alternatives.

He was being polite in his post and you attacked him. Maybe you should think before you say something. Your attitude isn't going to get you very far here, I promise you that.