add weight part of knee rehab

i was hoping to get some advice on weight gaining following a knee injury in order to prevent future knee injury. the knee injury came about 2 months ago while playing golf, i don't have health insurance but best guess on dx is either sub patellar lux or partial mcl tear. the knee is improving but I'm sure i'm prone to reinjureing the knee. I am lanky, 6'1 165 lbs aged 32, i wanted to build up the muscles around the knee and bulk up in the arms while i'm at it. I figured supplemented weight training for a few months would help reach these goals. My question is what supplements would be suggested and can weight can be accomplished without continuous supplementation after the initial build? I spoke to GNC person who suggested pro performance amp mass pre workout followed by amplified creatine post, but he also said once you start using these supplement to gain muscle mass you'll just lose all the muscle if you don't continue to use them. I imagine some of the muscle gained would necrotize or turn to fat if i worked out for 3 months w/supplements then stopped but would it still be helpful in building some support in the knees? thanks