
Hey... I figure if Dallen can ask a bunch of Qs... I can pop one out too... LOL

Have any of you used this alternative form of medical therapy and if so, what for?

I'm considering it for a specific reason and I want some opinions before I make a decision.

Thanks! :)
hi neonlady! i've had sessions for neck pain. it didn't cure my problem, but helped with it during that time. also it is VERY relaxing. i remember falling asleep a couple times...LOL!
i guess it all depends on what you are going for. some people try it to quit smoking, lose weight, etc. not sure how it works for stuff like that though.
what were you going to go for, if you don't mind me asking?

Well I'll answer some Qs if my Qs are on the front page.

Well anyway my answer to this is why don't you try the cup thing first. I forgot the name of it, but it works wonder! It's where they put a match in a cup then put it on your skin which causes it to suck in and then it stays there. It's not as painful either and as effective if they hit all the punc points.
I participated in a study a few years ago to see if acupuncture could lower blood presuure. The results were inconclusive, but I did find it relaxing and not at all painful. There were a couple of times when I felt like I could feel the needles releasing energy - kind of a wierd but not unpleasant tingling.
My experiences is that it has worked for me, and has helped me considerably.

I've never went to see an Acupuncturist for any kind of joint problems, because I never really had any.
But everybody that I know who has gone to an Acupuncturist for a joint problem, bad back, bad neck, etc, has told me that it only made them feel good during and shortly after, but said that it really didn't work overall, or in the long-term.

I used to go to an Acupuncturist on a regular basis for my headaches (I would get frequent ones that were migranes and sinus headaches combined), and I would also go for the purpose of trying to increase my overall energy level.

In Acupuncture and Eastern medicine, different ailments and sickness are linked to specific organs. Acupuncture, the needles that is, draws heat and circulation to those organs and acts like a dehumidifier that rids moisture and mold in a damp basement.

The needles do not hurt...I barely feel them going in. Only once or twice did one or to here or there feel not painful but just a bit uncomfortable. All you do is tell the acupuncturist, and she/he will quickly re-adjust the needle.

Make sure that you go to somebody who is licensed of course.

Often times, acupuncture puts you in a euphoric state that is simply awesome!

Jason Salamone
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I tell my kids to put a pair of underwear on their heads when they get sick, sure enough they do get better. Be careful with what you think works, lots of BS out there looking for money or an ego boost.

No, I’m not trying to slam acupuncture.
hi neonlady! i've had sessions for neck pain. it didn't cure my problem, but helped with it during that time. also it is VERY relaxing. i remember falling asleep a couple times...LOL!
i guess it all depends on what you are going for. some people try it to quit smoking, lose weight, etc. not sure how it works for stuff like that though.
what were you going to go for, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm going to see if all the needles will deflate me... and let me whoosh around a room like a busted balloon.. LMAO


seriously... i'm looking at it for some knee pain... want to see if it will work
I have not had accupuncture myself, I just know of others who have and have know a few accupuncturist. If it were an option for me I might try it. I know when I lived in SF many folks including myself often visited the Chinese herbal shops for alternative meds. In fact a good friend of mine has just gotten a degree in Chinese herbal meds and accupuncture. He is one of the healthiest people I know.....
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I'm going to see if all the needles will deflate me... and let me whoosh around a room like a busted balloon.. LMAO


seriously... i'm looking at it for some knee pain... want to see if it will work

guess you won't know until you give it a try. it helped alleviate some neck pain for me, but then again everyone is different.

i know people who have sworn that chiropractors are the best. i totally disagree. they killed me and made my neck hurt worse. so everyone has different experiences.

good luck and hope you find something that works for your knee.
guess you won't know until you give it a try. it helped alleviate some neck pain for me, but then again everyone is different.

i know people who have sworn that chiropractors are the best. i totally disagree. they killed me and made my neck hurt worse. so everyone has different experiences.

good luck and hope you find something that works for your knee.

Or you just get better on your own and point at something you did to give it credit. i.e. underwear on your head.

I think there is something to acupuncture, placebo or not, I don't know (doubt deep healing). The only thing it could hurt is your wallet.
What makes you want to diverge from an evidence-based practice to a evidence-depleted practice?

Like others said, acupuncture may give you a littl high, but this is only temporarily because of the release of chemicals in the brain such as the analgesic serotonin. It doesn't "fix" or "cure" anything, and you could easily say massage could do as good a job as making you feel good at the time; only temporarily and by not fixing anything, I repeat! :) the body is great at healing itself so don't assume because you go to a chiro for a few weeks, that it was the cause. Indeed, this is why many try and get you in for repetitive visits because more than likely, in that time, it will heal on its own, creating the illusion that it was the manipulation of the spine.
I could see bashing acupuncture.. I've never seen any evidence that it works long term and most people I've spoken to who have tried it say that it helps but that it's only temporary.

But massaging.. I've been told by doctors several time that I can massage an area (usually an inflamed area) to help it heal.

And when it comes to chiro, I've heard some of them are nutjobs, but some of them are pretty good at what they do. If you have a facet joint that's out of whack, why not let a chiro adjust it?
The vast majority of back pain is non-localised and unknown, so how would chiros know which facet to fix - by the way, what type of facet problem are you talkng about and how do they "fix" it, I don't want to give the impression that I believe they can ;).

Acute pain heals very quickly on its own. Chronic back pain, well nothing's really good at "fixing it", even physio. But there is good evidence that a good physio can help reduce the chance of it reccuring.
yeah, a lot of back pain can't be explained, that's true and obviously you can't just have someone snap your back and all your problems will go away (like some want us to believe)

I'm not sure what the medical term for it is, but when a facet joint is "locked" so that you pretty much can't move (back pain has an annoying habit of being very immobilising), you can go to a chiro, he adjusts you and you can move again.