
in the morning i use this scrub i got from the doctor, then i put on this face lotion from nutirguna (oil free with sycrlyic acid).. when i get home at 3 i use nutriguna face cleaning soap bar and this gel i got from the doctor... then at night i use the face scrub again in the shower and i use ritane. good? and i take the solodyne pill.. i dont get new pimples but i got alot of scars.. any help?
Damn you put alot of "crap" on your face. ;) irritating the skin by constantly cleaning it will raise your chances of an outbreak. While Science does not quite back me on this, i will still say. Clean up your diet, Avoid all oily and bad for you sweets. Drink plenty of water and simply take a shower within an hour of any hard labor. keep your hands off your face (do not lean on your hand while at school).

In some acne cases allergy's to food can be a contributing factor to facial acne.
As for the scars theirs nothing you can do about it. possibly some moisturizer however these them selfs tend to be oily.

And btw Do not swallow the pill. I do not feel like deeply explaining me reasoning. however in short, Antibiotics destroy both your good and bad bacteria. They usually do not discriminate. Why not instead of taking a pill to cover up the problem ask your "doctor" why you need it in the first place? His/Her answer will be amusing;).
i believe it can take up to a year for the scars to fade. not sure if they will ever go away completely. there are some procedures that dermatologists can do that could help the appearance of scars. also, proactiv works very well if you have no luck with the prescriptions.

it's not always food that causes acne. sometimes it can be hormones as well. it can be a lot of things.

good luck to you.
it's not always food that causes acne. sometimes it can be hormones as well. it can be a lot of things.
good luck to you.

Exactly The most common cause of acne is generally accepted to be hormones, however it begs the question. If hormones are the direct cause of the acne then why does he need an Anti-Biotic.

If lets say that hormones are simply the precursor to acne by inducing heavier(simple terms) sweat and once that sweat stagnates on your face bacteria goes and live in the sweat multiply and so on. and the acne is actually bacteria festering the skin(in a sense a bacteria infection), the idea here is to kill the bacteria but why not instead simply wash your face?

Much like a persons armpit, The sweat does not make the foul oder its the bacteria that invades the area to live and breed in the sweat. and a doctors solution is to kill the bacteria but in truth one can simply avoid it by washing.

Same rule applys to why some people generally gain acne around the mouth area, thats where you insert food and oil from the food builds up around this area. And again bacteria invades the area. Washing ones face with the popper solution after eating can help fix the problem.
The reason i suggest to keep your hands off your face is because you transmit bacteria from your hands to your face. ( another good reason to wash your hands before eating.)

However some people simply have a genetic predisposition to acne where no matter how much one cleans you will have acne to some degree. and these are the types of people where medication and or other treatments might be helpful.
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Exactly The most common cause of acne is generally accepted to be hormones, however it begs the question. If hormones are the direct cause of the acne then why does he need an Anti-Biotic.

If lets say that hormones are simply the precursor to acne by inducing heavier(simple terms) sweat and once that sweat stagnates on your face bacteria goes and live in the sweat multiply and so on. and the acne is actually bacteria festering the skin(in a sense a bacteria infection), the idea here is to kill the bacteria but why not instead simply wash your face?

Much like a persons armpit, The sweat does not make the foul oder its the bacteria that invades the area to live and breed in the sweat. and a doctors solution is to kill the bacteria but in truth one can simply avoid it by washing.

Same rule applys to why some people generally gain acne around the mouth area, thats where you insert food and oil from the food builds up around this area. And again bacteria invades the area. Washing ones face with the popper solution after eating can help fix the problem.
The reason i suggest to keep your hands off your face is because you transmit bacteria from your hands to your face. ( another good reason to wash your hands before eating.)

However some people simply have a genetic predisposition to acne where no matter how much one cleans you will have acne to some degree. and these are the types of people where medication and or other treatments might be helpful.

well i used to get acne and i'm 31 until i started back on birth control pills. i washed my face, hardly wore makeup to prevent breakouts, and did all the things you stated above. sometimes that just isn't enough. i also had tried going to the dermatologist and honestly the stuff wasn't working. i'm a strong believer that my symptoms were hormonal and may vary from person to person. although the above things you stated can be true, it's not always the case. good points though.
When I was 15-20, I didn't have acne, but I would get a few bad outbreaks. I think it has a lot to do with predetermined genes that are hard to control. When I got older, 22 now, I've had maybe one zit in the past year. I drink a crap ton of water and eat very good though...
How I got rid of acne.

Chemical Peals.

Might work for you, might not. After I got 2 of them I never got acne again (2 years ago) and I used to have a pretty bad acne problem. Will run you up about 50$ per.

Also get a good deep cleanser and use it 2x a day.

For extreme acne use retna-a micro.