Sport About Meat???

Sport Fitness
So, I had a few discussions about this with a couple of my friends...
One of them said that he read in some good book that recommended amount of animal meat for one week is no more than one pound. The reason for that is, he says very large amount of some 'acids' meat contains that later on is convertet into salt and can damage the organism pretty badly by causing many deceases. The only cure for that is eating a lot of vegetables, he says, beacuse they can lower the level of that salt...

The other friend claimed that humans are not meat-eaters by nature and since we are not designed phisicaly to eat meat it is bad for us, and some part of it stays in our bowels and rots...

Personally, i thought that both stories made no sense and that they are stupid...

However, I would like to hear your opinion (or even better FACTS) about this matter.

So, how good/bad is meat really?

Of couse, I'm thinking of as lean as possible meat from veal lamb cattle poultry fish...

Some parts of meat stay in our body and rot?

First i would like to comment on those two things you friends said.

Your first friend is talking something called your PH balance (and he obviously doesn't understand it). Its basically how acidic or alkaline your body is. Foods such as meat are Acid foods, while veggies are Alkaline. Its NOT best to be at one side or another. Being to Acidic Is VERY bad and being To alkiline can be bad.

Your second friend, Is entirely wrong here. Just look at your teeth and jaw, the ability to grind is what allows us to eat meat. Dear and other non meat eaters have jaws that do not allow grinding, they can only open and close their mouths.

As for meat roting, this is True, meat can take upwards of 3 days to digest (usually around 24-36 hours) and it does spoil in side your stomach. However this is fine. And again yes, if one does not eat enough fiber it can stay in your colon for quite some time (this is not good).

Organic Lean meats are absolutely fine in moderation. Though, ones diet should always be more filled with greens, and grains then meats.
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I don't have any facts or studies, just personal experiences. I eat at least half a pound of meat a day, every single day, and it benefited me greatly when building muscle, and it has benefited me greatly while losing 23 pounds the last 2 and a half months. If you eat it responsibly, and it fits into your daily requirements, I think its completely fine.
Are you lumping poultry into the meat catagory? Man if too much meat is bad I'm screwed. Today I had half a pound of chicken and half a pound of beef. Last week I ate an 18 ounce T-Bone :)

I get a crapload of fiber though (30-50 grams). I also digest meat very well. Some people seem to get uncomfortable after eating too much beef but I feel fine. I usually eat a lot of beef if I'm about to work a long work shift cause it's about the only thing that keeps me filled up for a good amount of time.

Tnx for your answers guys.

Silent, the part where some meat takes that long to digest and can spoil if not enough fiber is taken i very new to me...
Would you mind explaining this a bit more, it really interests me and I couldn't find any topics about it on internet.

Also, how much meat is ok/recommended daily?

Studies say 4 or so servings of meat a week.

Personally, I can't remember the last time when I DIDN'T eat meat in a day....I eat it every single day, as I believe it is at the core of any healthy meal.

I generally eat meat once a day, a moderate serving thereof (idk how many pounds).

I also eat vegetables and fruit in abundance so I guess that even it out ;)
Tnx for your answers guys.

Silent, the part where some meat takes that long to digest and can spoil if not enough fiber is taken i very new to me...
Would you mind explaining this a bit more, it really interests me and I couldn't find any topics about it on internet.

Also, how much meat is ok/recommended daily?


No no lol

I may not have explained that very well. When you eat (anything) it goes into your "Stomach" to be digested by all of your digestive juices. Meat can take quite some time to be digested by these "Juices". In turn the time it takes for it to be "processed" it does spoil. Now after its done their it continues to be processed further through the body until it finally reaches the "exit". Onces it gets to the Exit or colon it sits there in a sense. And can continue to sit there if ones diet does not have enough fiber and water to "push" it out.

There i tried to say that as simple as possible so no confusion could be made:p ;)

How much meat a day? well there is a lot of controversy over that very subject. See Meat is not needed by the body in the least, you can live a perfectly healthy life without meat. The only two things you miss out on are Meats more easily absorbed iron and B12. And in todays world a simple Multi should take care of the B12.

Especially red meat, This has little nutritional value. It can not be denied that Vegetarians (statistically speaking) have lower cholesterol,triglycerides,less atherosclerosis, and heart disease. As well as arterial plaque, lower blood pressure and decreased death rate from heart disease, all of which translate into a longer life on average. HOWEVER, Most of these problems stem from the fact that the Vedgies are not getting the high amounts of saturated fats in meats, aswell are getting more of the true "Health" foods.

I believe if one ate only the Leanest meats available and in moderation. Aswell as meateaters consume more FRESH greens,fruites and so on.
That Vedies would no longer be able to claim all of the above. Not to even mention that When someone takes on the life of vedgy it usually means they believe strongly in their health which means they might be more likely to be physically active then the average meat eater. Which could further give reason as to why Vedgies have fewer of "Select" health concerns.

I strongly believe their is a happy median yet to be found between meat eaters and Vedgies. And the healthiest people will be the ones who find that happy middle.
There have been several studies that link red meat and/or animal fat to many types of cancers. On top of cholestrerol, high blood pressure and everything else that silent mentioned. Not saying to give it up but it should really only be consumed 3 - 4 meals a week. That puts a bit of damper in protein consumption, eat beans! Plus they have got lots of fiber to keep that meat moving through you.

Many scientists also believe that people weren't originally hunters nor vegetarians, but rather scavengers. The 'original' human diet consisted of mostly of non-meat other than the occasional carcus to feast on. Human bodies aren't made for bursts of speed to chase prey.
Silent, tnx once again, u da maaan :) Love your answers... Where'd you get that knowledge? Seems you know a little bit of everything that's needed.
Too bad u're kind of young for me :D
Any other comments on weather humans are naturally flesh-eaters, or Vegans, or maybe something in between...?
Of course, humans were always at the top of the food chain, that kind of tells you something...

Silent, tnx once again, u da maaan :) Love your answers... Where'd you get that knowledge? Seems you know a little bit of everything that's needed.
Too bad u're kind of young for me :D
Any other comments on weather humans are naturally flesh-eaters, or Vegans, or maybe something in between...?
Of course, humans were always at the top of the food chain, that kind of tells you something...


Lol Well thank you for the kind words:D

I have a deep craving for knowledge when it comes to anything Nature,Health,fitness,human anatomy and so on. A good deal of time of my free time is done either on the computer researching,reading or in the library doing the same.
Though i wish i could say i had the same craving when it comes to "Standard" school" knowledge :p.

Personally, I think we were designed to be Meat and plant eaters. In all honesty man wouldn't have survived all these years had we not been both. Take for instance when man had nothing but animal to eat (such as during hard winters) You can survive on meat alone for quite some time (though not the healthiest way to live). Aswell, Just looking at the human anatomy proves we were designed to eat both meat and greens.

To young huh? well I'll be legal in September :p
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