Ab Exercises

Ive decided to start doing ab exercises. I have all the info and im going to try a different variety of them to see which works best for me. What I was wondering though is how much I can exercise my abs? Can I do it everyday or every other day?
You can work them everyday if you want but there is no point if you dont have up to scratch nutrition and a solid whole body training regime. Read the stickies for some sound advice.

Welcome to the forum too.
i personally think it is more effective to work your abs very hard one day, rest them the next, and then work them again the following. in order to gain more muscle you must break it down, create soreness, and then build the muscle back up.

check out the ab workouts at .
I have always worked my abs for 20 minutes every day. I just do different exercises each day. For example, one day, I'll hang from a bar and do ab exercises that way (gymnastics stuff -- not fun.). The next day, I'll do my ab work on my back (bicycles, crunches, knee-up crunches, half-up twists, etc.). The next day, I'll do planks with small balance balls under both feet to make it tougher, oblique leg extensions, bridged leg lifts, birddogs with 5-8 pound DBs, etc. Anything to get my core fired up. I can't stand not working my core.

My abs have never really complained that much. Must be the prunes ... ;)
Pilates feels like it does wonders for my abs, I've seen a little bit of improvement and Ive gotten complimented on them. There are videos of pilates abdominal sets on YouTube.com. I would link you to one but I'm on my iTouch and Apple left out the copy paste feature -_-
Your should work out on your muscles evenly.
I do curl-ups on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays along with some push-ups.
Let your abs have some rest boyyy.
Your should work out on your muscles evenly.
I do curl-ups on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays along with some push-ups.
Let your abs have some rest boyyy.

I don't think my abs don't need the rest. They are very accustomed to being punished. In fact, I don't think they mind it at all. They're never sore the next day. Maybe I just don't do enough reps. But I like quality, not quantity. I think you get nicer looking abs that way ;)

Core work is actually like a "cool down" for me after my regular workouts with weights.
I don't think my abs don't need the rest. They are very accustomed to being punished. In fact, I don't think they mind it at all. They're never sore the next day. Maybe I just don't do enough reps. But I like quality, not quantity. I think you get nicer looking abs that way ;)

Ive decided to start doing ab exercises. I have all the info and im going to try a different variety of them to see which works best for me. What I was wondering though is how much I can exercise my abs? Can I do it everyday or every other day?

Core work is actually like a "cool down" for me after my regular workouts with weights.

Soreness is not an indication that the core was or was not adequately stimulated. Additionally, building the entire body beautifies the core, IMO, when body fat is low enough to reveal the work that was completed. In addition, the diet can kill, bring out and/or intensify the efforts in the gym.

What is your diet structure like?

What is your "entire" fitness program like?

I am one that doesnt advocate training the core everyday, and see it as potentially unnecessary. Personally I never trained (directly) my core more than three times per week while leaving the structured format of the other parts of my fitness training to take care of the rest: Building a body that is structured to work together as one unit (and devising a training program with this in mind), and believe this is the better approach (for most, dependent on the situation).

The core, like any other muscle of the body, needs adequate stimulation in the gym, but it grows and stengthens (with rest and recuperation) along with a proper diet. Muscle improves upon "resting" not in the gym. Give the core the break it deserves. And, you will be rewarded.

Best wishes,

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Chillen, your post has made me smile :) And may I take this opportunity to tell you that you have the most symmetrical abs I've ever seen in my life.

I'm female. 5'4", 152lbs. Unfortunately, pretty much solid muscle. Not certain about my body fat because I haven't had it tested for a couple of years. I really have no idea what it is now. I'm still menstruating, so it's got to be high enough for that. 15%?

I have a 42" chest, 31" waist, 39" hips, 24" thigh, 15" calf ... don't know what my biceps are ... maybe 12 or 13"? You get the picture. I'm not your average chick.

Yes, I am fully aware that the body works best as a whole unit ;) I pretty much know everything you're saying. But I'm accustomed to working my core every day. I've been doing it all my life. I'm not working my abs to the point of fatigue. It's what works for me.

Diet structure:

Low carbs, high protein and high fat. I eat really good foods (mostly organic), no junk food, and probably ingest close to 2500-3000 calories a day. I try not to eat more than 150gms of carbs a day, but if I'm doing cardio, I'll eat more carbs because I'll bonk if I don't. I'm diabetic. I inject 5-7 times a day. I eat 4-6 times a day.

Entire fitness program:

Background: been pretty much been using my body since I was 8. Dance, then gymnastics, then track and field. When I was competing, I trained 4-8 hours a day (depending on what we needed to focus on), six days a week. I'm definitely NOT overtraining any body parts now ;)

Eventually I stopped competing, and have worked out with weights ever since (about 15 years). Dabbled in powerlifting, but found it to be pretty hard on a person's body. You can't powerlift forever. Tried bodybuilding, but didn't like it because I felt as though I wasn't really doing anything. I found I actually lost strength while bodybuilding. It wasn't keeping my body as strong as when I had done strength training. So I switched back to strength training and have been doing that ever since.

I'm not heavy on cardio. I know I should do more, but I don't want to lose what little fat I have.

I work out 4-6 times a week. I'm on a 3-day split, and since I'm not lifting super heavy weights if Day 1 was Monday, the next Day 1 will be Thursday or whenever I get back into the gym. Most of my workouts are maintenance, but for the last 10 months, they've also consisted of some serious rehab.

I can't do "real" squats or deadlifts yet because of the SI/lumbar/pelvic injuries I sustained in the two car accidents I was involvedin (one in May, one last September), but I'm working towards that. I did some wall squats with the bar on my back last night. It felt pretty good. I'll try going into the box and putting a couple of 25lb plates on the bar next time. That'll only be about 100 pounds. We'll see how my back and neck likes that ;)

I hope to get up to 250lbs by the end of the year. I don't know about deadlifts, though. I may have to forego those, which would really suck.

What else would you like to know or need to know?
I stand corrected. My chest is only 41", my biceps are 12", and my thighs are only 22" now in the middle. I've apparently lost some serious muscle mass in my legs from not being able to squat :(
I can assure you that I am a fully functioning female -- XX all the way :)

I do have boobies. If I didn't, my chest wouldn't be 41". It would only be about 36". I have a large rib cage, OK? :D

If I do happen to submit a pic, I will be in lycra and I'll have a tape measure around my waist so you can see that it is, in fact, that freaking large and that everything else (in comparison) must be that large, too. If you want me to flex, I'm more than happy to :p
I can assure you that I am a fully functioning female -- XX all the way :)

I do have boobies. If I didn't, my chest wouldn't be 41". It would only be about 36". I have a large rib cage, OK? :D

If I do happen to submit a pic, I will be in lycra and I'll have a tape measure around my waist so you can see that it is, in fact, that freaking large and that everything else (in comparison) must be that large, too. If you want me to flex, I'm more than happy to :p

Us males could use some appropriate pics. So let it rip...:)

I would be interested in seeing a female with your specs.

Additionally, if you get good results with working the core 7 days per week, each day of the month, and 365 days of the year (and 366 in a leap year ;).........this deserves a:

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!


He, he

Best wishes,

Additionally, if you get good results with working the core 7 days per week, each day of the month, and 365 days of the year (and 366 in a leap year .........this deserves a:

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for your post!

I think we're coming from two completely different angles.

When you work your core, you're probably using humungous weight plates and doing criminally difficult exercises that only 5 people in the world can do.

When I work my core, I'm not using humungous weight plates. I'm just doing the minimal amount I need to do to keep what I've got :) So it's not like I'm killing myself. The muscles are already there. I just like to keep them from getting bored. And it feels good.

Maybe I shouldn't be working my core everyday. Maybe I'd have happier abs if I only worked them every 2-3 days.

I certainly don't know it all, and maybe I'm in a rut (ya think?). I'm sure I could stand to learn a lot more, and I might as well try something new. Therefore, I'm going to try what you have suggested. I'll let you know if my abs look any different in a couple of months.

By the way, what are your favorite core exercises?
Thanks for your post!

I think we're coming from two completely different angles.

When you work your core, you're probably using humungous weight plates and doing criminally difficult exercises that only 5 people in the world can do.

When I work my core, I'm not using humungous weight plates. I'm just doing the minimal amount I need to do to keep what I've got :) So it's not like I'm killing myself. The muscles are already there. I just like to keep them from getting bored. And it feels good.

Maybe I shouldn't be working my core everyday. Maybe I'd have happier abs if I only worked them every 2-3 days.

I certainly don't know it all, and maybe I'm in a rut (ya think?). I'm sure I could stand to learn a lot more, and I might as well try something new. Therefore, I'm going to try what you have suggested. I'll let you know if my abs look any different in a couple of months.

By the way, what are your favorite core exercises?

I dont have a direct core exercise that is my favorite.

I look at direct core exercises as a very small piece in the larger pie. I am rather an intense individual in my home gym that believes that the body is supposed to be trained the way it was designed to function: With each muscle interacting with the other to perform a function, and train in this manner.

The core can perform individual functions such as bending the body, twisting, and side to side movements (etc, etc); however, it performs other important functions such as stablizing and support (etc) in various other bodily movements. Additionally, the diet is the functional support in what one is trying to do within their goal path. Therefore, I can not single out a favorite, because the entire "training and diet equation" (together as one unit) is far greater than one single excercise-->though we work with the individual parts to make the entire pie better.

However, "If I had to single out one lift over another" (when I couldn't do another) and get the "best bang to my entire body" in a short amount of time (and utilizing the core in a more power mode: stabilizing and support), I would choose the Squat (and personal preference given to the Front Squat) or the Dead Lift, and direct core exercises would not even be a consideration.

I know I am going on a bit, but let me give you another reason, I believe the FBW/Diet as a whole is my favorite, and not a single exercise.

There is another crucial exercise piece that plays a critical rol in keeping me lean enough to observe the work being done directly and indirectly on the core, and its Plate Weight Cardio performed in short bursts.

Cardio isnt going to function well in the fat loss (or staying or getting lean department) if the diet isnt built around the premise of losing fat tissue. They work together, and thus another reason, I will say the entire pie is my favorite and not a single piece in the pie.

Additionally, if I couldnt train (because work responsibilites and no fault of my own), then I "keep my diet" that is designed around my goal intention. The diet would be my favorite at this point to provide the glue until I can train again.

Currently I am about 161 pounds, have 16" arms. I train my arms with the same furious intensity as I do the other parts of my body, and believe the arms are the facilitators in moving the larger muscle groups.

I train heavy (and try to add as much plate weight I can--even if its just 2 1/2 pounds to each work out) as I move along in training. However, my goal is to be uniformed, personally balanced, lean, and overall fitness health.

With this in mind, its not my training (necessarily) that is limiting my arm growth. Its my "overall" body weight, because the diet is designed with a different goal in mind and thus limiting weight gain and likewise my arm growth (if the larger muscles of the body do not increase in size, the arms DO NOT follow, IMO).

Thus another reason, I believe the FBW/Diet as a whole is my favorite, and not a single exercise.

Personally, I believe I could obtain 18" arms "in several months of work" (even at my current age), if I would allow a few pounds of reasonable fat tissue, and being more anabolic in the diet sense (and at less than 8% I have room to spare).

I could achieve it (somewhere around 185ish) keeping things equal. I would achieve it, because I know the commitment I would bring to the table in "both in diet and in the gym"....as a whole, and bring along persistence and consistency. Additionally, I have very good genetics coupled with an aging body that is very efficient even at 47 (as of August 25th). It would have to be something I "wanted to do" and it will not be based on some elses opinion on what I should do. Its not that I wouldnt listen to opinions, but I will not "abandon myself" for the sake of another's opinion.

Done rambling.........lol................>:yelrotflmao: :p :eek:

By the way are you going to show any pics....I am really interested in seeing a female with your specs.

Best wishes

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Thanks for the info, Chillen! :)

I'm just starting to get back to squats (it's been a long time since I've had a bar on my back -- I had just started squatting last August, albeit for three weeks, after blowing my knee (and rehab there took 9 months), and then I got T-boned by a flat bed towtruck, and then rear ended at about 30mph). I don't have much weight on the bar right now, but it's better than a kick in the butt. The bar felt good sitting on my upper back. I was grinning from ear to ear last night at the gym because I could actually walk the bar out, do my squats and walk back in to rack it. I haven't done that for a year.

As for deadlifts, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do them again as a result of the back injuries I sustained in the two car accidents (SI/lumbar issues with a couple of lumbar disk herniations). I think I should probably stay away from deadlifts for the time being ;)

I'm also not able to do much twisting movement in the core, but it's getting better. If I was on the farm, I wouldn't be chopping any wood. It would be too painful.

So right now I'm at the mercy of my back. And it's a Catch-22: I have to keep my core strong because of my spinal injuries, but I've only been able to do certain core exercises. I've been told what I should and shouldn't do. That's hard to accept sometimes. I'd love to do more right now but I can't.

REHAB SUCKS :( But it does reveal to you what you're made of ;)

As for the pics, give me a chance to figure out how to use my new camera ... it's a Canon Rebel and the destruction manual reads like a book, and I can't be bothered trying to figure it out. The camera is sitting on the dining room table. It looks really nice :)
Translation: I need to get a guy to show me how to use it :D
i personally think it is more effective to work your abs very hard one day, rest them the next, and then work them again the following. in order to gain more muscle you must break it down, create soreness, and then build the muscle back up.

I agree, muscles need a recovery time.