ab exercises


New member
I know you can't lose weight in just one area, that belly fat only comes off with all over fat burning, so are ab exercises still important? I know they are good for toning, but are there other workouts that are more effective and worthwhile than ab exercises? If they are important, what are some of the good ones, especially ones that use exercise balls?
I know you can't lose weight in just one area, that belly fat only comes off with all over fat burning, so are ab exercises still important? I know they are good for toning, but are there other workouts that are more effective and worthwhile than ab exercises? If they are important, what are some of the good ones, especially ones that use exercise balls?

Ab exercises are important. Just like you should not neglect your any exterior muscle in your workout, you should not neglect your abdominal muscles when you get to your workouts. Having said that, I would not FOCUS on them. Just make sure not to neglect them in your workouts.

Your abs and your lower back support your entire upper body. Strengthening your core helps to reduce possible injuries (especially if you are active in different sports). Plus, when you go to do your core, you get to sound like a tough guy saying "core workout" instead of "crunch time!!!".

The following is a good series of core workouts on an exercise ball as requested. You don't necessarily need to do all of them, they were just illustrations of ones that I do myself that I found.

My $.02
Abs are the key

It's my understanding that having strong abs (whether you can see them behind the belly fat or not) is one of the most important things you can do for overall fitness. When your "core" is strong, it also helps strengthen your back, improves your balance and coordination and overall strength.

Then, if you do get the bonus of finally finding a way to get rid of that belly fat, all the better! Then you have the sexy defined stomach muscles displayed underneath. :)
