Cohen's Lifestyle A thought on goal weight

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
Last week or so, i read a post on the forum about goal weight and "dry" weight (your weight after your morning pee and before eating or drinking)...and it got me thinking. My Cohens goal weight is about 56kg, my thought was...should our goal weight be our "dry" weight or the weight at the END of the day, so after we have drunk our 3L of water and eaten our meals.

Just curious onto your thoughts. I kind of like the idea of being at goal weight after a standard day of eating and drinking. So should "my new Cohens goal" be say 2kg less than my current goal? Aim for 54kg instead?

Something to think about?:confused:
'Dry' Weight

hey lexie! :)

great topic youve chosen! i was also thinking the same thing a few weeks ago!
this is my thought on the subject.

Every time ive been weighed at my cohens clinic it has been around 9 in the morning with minimal clothes on so i can get my truest 'dry weight'.(although ive had brekky at 630am and a pee i find it doesnt affect the scales!)

when i call for my refeed ive decided it will be when i get up in the morning after a pee and weigh myself - cos if you think about it, whatever you ate the day before would of gone through your system.

If you eat and drnk more then intended one day then obviously your weight will be more at the end of the day? and vice versa? these fluctuations make it so confusing to pick a goal weigh dont you think? hehe. when we come off cohens its likely that will happen so i would rather know that every day i will wake up knowing i weigh 65 kilo (goal weight) and not bother about weighing the end of the day.

Also when i used to train at the gym my trainer told me i should weigh myself every month in the morning after a pee because essentially that is our true weight.

hope this was of some help!

ps:just noticed your ticker! not long now till u ring for refeed! hehe :D

caroline xx
I agree with FatCat. When I weigh myself at the end of the day, I weigh anywhere between 0.5 and 1.5 more than at the beginning of the day. So, its a far less consistent weight. I think morning weight, before food and drink and after having a pee is the most consistent and reliable weight. But if you want to go down to the lower end of your weight range, just don't start refeed straight away, unless you are hungry.
Just so you know - My goal weight range set for me from cohens was 67 - 70kg but i have decided i want to hit 65 before i call for refeed so i will be 65 for the rest of my life :)

If it turns out that by 67kg i get that 'insatiable hunger' that consumes me, then i will have refeed then (because according to cohen it means your body is at its 'natural' weight'.

so my advice would be just to listen to your body. If by 56 your still not hungry at all and completely fine, then go ahead. but if your ravenous - id call for refeed!

