Sport A scoop of low-fat ice cream in a PWO shake ok?

Sport Fitness
Liek the title says, I put a scoop of low-fat ice cream in my PWO shakes for taste. 4g fat, 14g sugar... is that too much? I rationalize it by the insulin spike that sugar may provide. Should I cut it out?
why do you need it? I'm sure it tastes fine without it. I wouldn't add it if I were you!
Years ago lifters would go hit an all you can eat buffet for their post-training meals and they got bigger and stronger. Some of the top names today state that some of their lifters who down a pizza after training get bigger and stronger than the some of those who try to hit some magical formula of protein and carbohydrates from their elaborate post-training shake ****tails. Personally I'm doing fat-free chocolate milk right now.

Alan Aragon stated that it's more about hitting your numbers for the day than it is about nutrient timing after training. If you're hitting your training goals in the time you allow yourself, go for it! LOL!!!
Pretty damn delicious

Then thats the answer you need IMO.

Years ago lifters would go hit an all you can eat buffet for their post-training meals and they got bigger and stronger. Some of the top names today state that some of their lifters who down a pizza after training get bigger and stronger than the some of those who try to hit some magical formula of protein and carbohydrates from their elaborate post-training shake ****tails. Personally I'm doing fat-free chocolate milk right now.

Alan Aragon stated that it's more about hitting your numbers for the day than it is about nutrient timing after training. If you're hitting your training goals in the time you allow yourself, go for it! LOL!!!

Fructose? We're talking about ice cream..
Concerning that, I remember way back when that a little fructose could actually be beneficial here in regards to liver glycogen. Was anymore ever put out about that?

If so tell me slowly and speak up, us oldtimers are hard of hearing. :yelrotflmao: