A question


New member
Sorry mods if this is in the wrong thread, if so move to the correct one please.

Anyways my screen name is miltonius, i am 14 and i'm wanting to lose weight. I've been chubby since about 2010 and i've been fed up with it for a while now. So about a month ago i started a diet that my parents used when they lost weight. Getting used to it was fine, i do 't really crave fatty foods anymore. But i also started my daily 20 minute intense cardiovascular exercises a month ago as well. But for some reason i'm not losing weight and it's annoying me because i don't know why. I'm pretty sure i'm doing cardio the correct way because i do my 5 minute warm up to increase the heart rate, 10 minutes of the intense non-stop, and the last 5 minutes to slow down your heart rate. Now i'm all sweaty and breathing fast when i'm done, but i'm not losing any weight. Please help because i really want to lose this fat.

First of, welcome to the forum.

It's difficult to say what could be the problem from the info you have given us. Could you let us know how tall you are, what your actual weight is, and also what kind of diet it is that you are using? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your exercise as such, but it's hard to tell without knowing a little more.