Sorry mods if this is in the wrong thread, if so move to the correct one please.
Anyways my screen name is miltonius, i am 14 and i'm wanting to lose weight. I've been chubby since about 2010 and i've been fed up with it for a while now. So about a month ago i started a diet that my parents used when they lost weight. Getting used to it was fine, i do 't really crave fatty foods anymore. But i also started my daily 20 minute intense cardiovascular exercises a month ago as well. But for some reason i'm not losing weight and it's annoying me because i don't know why. I'm pretty sure i'm doing cardio the correct way because i do my 5 minute warm up to increase the heart rate, 10 minutes of the intense non-stop, and the last 5 minutes to slow down your heart rate. Now i'm all sweaty and breathing fast when i'm done, but i'm not losing any weight. Please help because i really want to lose this fat.
Anyways my screen name is miltonius, i am 14 and i'm wanting to lose weight. I've been chubby since about 2010 and i've been fed up with it for a while now. So about a month ago i started a diet that my parents used when they lost weight. Getting used to it was fine, i do 't really crave fatty foods anymore. But i also started my daily 20 minute intense cardiovascular exercises a month ago as well. But for some reason i'm not losing weight and it's annoying me because i don't know why. I'm pretty sure i'm doing cardio the correct way because i do my 5 minute warm up to increase the heart rate, 10 minutes of the intense non-stop, and the last 5 minutes to slow down your heart rate. Now i'm all sweaty and breathing fast when i'm done, but i'm not losing any weight. Please help because i really want to lose this fat.