Sport a question about water...

Sport Fitness
I would have thought it depends on the individual and circumstances.
Only way you could ever find out is to make sure you are completely devoid of water to begin with, then start drinking until you needed to pee. The speed of intake would also need to be regulated somehow (perhaps 2 subjects would be needed so as to enable a comparison.)

The only problem I can foresee with this experiment is that it would involve being dead so, I guess we'll never know ;)


read that elsewhere :eek:

would love to know how much she drank. Would have to be STUPID amounts. I donth think all the relevant facts have been let out yet.

Somebody is gonna get sued
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Water intoxication has been discussed here before. A couple of frat initiates died during hazing from it in CA a couple of years ago. If you consume too much water (~2 gallons within a couple of hours) your electrolyte balance gets screwed up and it can be fatal!
How exactly is it stupid? You yourself even said you didn't think it was really possible... How could water hurt you? I'm sure they thought the same thing... And drinking a harmless thing for a free system when u have 3 kids is stupid how? I never woulda second guessed it.
How exactly is it stupid? You yourself even said you didn't think it was really possible... How could water hurt you? I'm sure they thought the same thing... And drinking a harmless thing for a free system when u have 3 kids is stupid how? I never woulda second guessed it.
I think when your bladder is feeling like if you were to touch it, you would explode you should stop... But who knows, maybe she didn't feel like that - I don't really know...