A Question About The Show "Lost"


New member
I was wondering why Herley - the fat dude - never seemed to lose any weight when he was on the island. I felt that this made the show seem slightly implausible to me. If anything he gained weight.

Surely being left on a deserted island to fend for yourself is one of the most effective ways to lose weight, it would be a viable option for me if I had the money.
Okay, I moved this into the off topic section for starters.

Secondly, Hurley lost some weight in the first season (according to Jorge Garcia he lost about 20 lbs), but as soon as they found the hatch and the food in it, he was told to stop losing. There are several scenes where you can see him secretely eating things, and he even mentions several times that he's sorry for eating stuff he wasn't supposed to, or more than he was supposed to.

They've got an over-abundance of food on their so-called deserted island, and that's why he never lost anything, as simple as that.
Plus it's a supernatural island. Time travel, resurrection, healing, immortality and floating mechanical clouds are hardly plausible.
I have a love/hate relationship with this show. I love it when Hurley makes me laugh, and when I get to see a Hobbit, and those gorgeous guys who play the Englishman and that guy Saeid (how the **** do you spell his name?). What I hate is being more confused at the end of the show than at the beginning!!!

Oh, and I think the actress who plays Kate (whom I am not overly fond of) is actually from my hometown?!

I used to watch it, but have stopped. It just annoyed me too much.

I hated Charlie (the hobbit), Jack and Sawyer, which around my friends made me a complete outcast. Apparently EVERY woman loves him - oh well, this woman doesn't. :puke:
Love Locke, Hurley, Sayid and Claire....she's cute.

The storylines just got too confusing for my liking though. At the beginning I was right there with everybody, coming up with theories and trying to figure out what the numbers meant, taking screenshots of the map on the wall and spending hours trying to decipher it....all of that. But when Season three started, things got to the point where they made no sense at all, and worse, they started to contradict things that happened previously. I hate it when the makers of a show lose track of their own storylines, and it was quite disappointing. So now I have no idea what's going on anymore. :(
Love love love LOST. Addicted much :toetap05:

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sawyer. *sigh*
Cant wait for it to start again. Stupid Australian tv is way behind so i watch it online.

meh love Hurely too! Hilarious dude.:biggrinjester:

I get the show becasue i read up on the website after each ep. Otherwise you just miss soooo much.
Same here, LOVE Lost. Never miss an episode, and occasionally watch them more than once to pick up things I missed :D I participate in a Lost forum where all the theories and stuff get discussed, so I'm never out of the loop :D