Weight-Loss A Question About Calories



New member
Hello there. I have a question concerning calories. I hope it's not too silly of a question. I know that the average male should eat about 2000 or more calories a day. But what if you just ate a lot of low calorie foods? Is that considered unhealthy?

I know I didn't explain my question all too well so I will give you an example at the top of my head. Let's say for example you eat 4 meals a day consisting of these foods:

Turkey Sandwich

3 slices of turkey totaling 60 calories
2 slices of whole wheat bread totaling 90 calories
1 slice of cheese totaling 35 calories


10 stalks totaling 50 calories

If you add that all up that equals to only 940 calories a day. Maybe this is not the best example, but the point is that the portions here are overall regular in size meaning you are not starving yourself and you are satiating your appetite but they are low in daily calorie consumption. Would this be considered unhealthy eating?
I know that the average male should eat about 2000 or more calories a day.
You "know" this? From where?

There is no such thing as the "average amount of calories" someone should eat, no matter what you read on the Internet. That's like saying all cars should use X amount of gas.

The amount of calories you need to sustain yourself is based on your age, weight, height, etc. There are multiple sticky posts here on the board you should read to learn about what level of calories you should eat.

And yes, eating too few calories is bad. You need nutrition. You need to fuel your body. When you eat too little, you risk not gettnig enough nutrition as well as slowing your metabolism down.

If you eat what you described then you're not getting any healthy fat, you're not getting enough protein, and you're not getting enough veggies.

Read the sticky posts in the forums. It'll give you a much better idea of what nutrition is about.
I should have rephrased that. I understand that calorie consumption is based on age, weight, height, lean body mass, fat, lifestyle, and all of that good stuff. What I meant was the average male eats about 2000 calories a day. This is a very loose generalization and shouldn't be actually used on an individual by individual basis since everyone is different. I was just using it as an example.

And I think you need to relax. Lol. You're at a 10 when you should be at a 2.
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Kara is right. It's not just about the number of calories. You need nutrients - lots of different nutrients. That only comes from a varied diet.
And I think you need to relax. Lol. You're at a 10 when you should be at a 2.
I'm quite relaxed, thanks. :)

When you put information out there on a public forum, people read it and believe it. So when you say things like "I know that ... " someone is going to see that and think it applies to them - and it might not. So when people say things like that, I want to make sure to put the correct information out there for anyone else who finds the thread.
Your eating is not bad compared to people that don't want to eat, or others that don't have time to cook.

Your are missing out on nutrients but it does have an easy fix. If you were to add vitamins and suppliments to it and some more fiber and fruits it would be a lot better. Yes, it would add some extra calories but it would be healthier. If you want to lose weight just add more exercise to your daily routine.

There is no set amount of calories a person can eat i'm a female and i eat 2000 calories on a daily basis, i have a sit down job and i only weight 127lbs. Yes, I'm doing my best to get rid off at least 10lbs but its hard. Eating healthy is hard, but to lose weight also has to be through exercise if that is your goal. Your body needs nutrients or sooner or later certain organs of your body are going to have problems.