A new start.


New member
I wanted to introduce myself. I am a 52 year old woman who is desperately trying to lose weight. I am 5’4” . My current weight is 230 lbs. this is the highest I’ve ever been. I’ve been overweight my entire life going back to my childhood, but ive always been mostly “chubby” .

I would say throughout my teens/30’s my weight fell into the 160s-170s range. I went through menopause in my early 40s and the weight slowly crept on. It is most definitely my own fault due to overeating. I am convinced I have a sugar addiction. It needs to stop now!!

Anyhow, I am looking for others who are in the same boat & wanting to get serious. I am looking to make friends here so we can encourage one another everyday into making the right choices and lifting one another up when needed.

I am starting this diary as a way for me to be accountable and to keep track of my progress.
Hi Kitty and welcome to the forum! Most of us are in the same boat as you - or at least similar ones. Sugar is SO hard to be moderate with! Do you have a specific plan to get your weight down or are you "just" generally trying to make better choices with food and exercise?
Hi, Kitty & welcome to the forum. It’s so much easier to gain weight after menopause & so much harder to lose it. I can certainly vouch for that! We mustn’t give up though. What are your plans? Will you count calories?