Weight-Loss A meal plan



New member
Hello, i've just started cutting my calorie intake to 300 every 3hours through the day, but it's hard to keep track some times so i'm wondering if any of you have a set meal plan your on and if you would share it :D. thanks
No program should be the same as everyone is different and requires a different macro breakdown.
I don't use a set meal plan. I do however take a long time to make my grocery list. And while shopping i look at the back of everything i purchase. I control my calories with a 1200 cal, per day plan. Eatting a large breakfast, medium lunch and a small dinner (normally lean cuisine) There is a post in another section in regards to negative calorie foods, these are what i call munchies! :=)
I totally agree! I eat around 100-1200 calories 3 meals 2-3 snacks
a day and each meal isn't the same in calories.Example breakfast is
only 140 but lunch is 300 dinner 300-400 snacks vary from 50 cals
150 depending on my other meals.It is hard to set 300 calories exact
for every meal atleast for me it is.Good luck your plan might work for
ya every1 is different! Tammy
I eat Weight Watchers Smart Ones. Very good portion sizes.