Weight-Loss A little lost on how I should eat



New member
Hey everyone,

I am feeling a little lost on how I should be eating. Here's a bit about me and about be goals.

I am 30 years old, 323lb 6'1" i have no major health problems or anything that would restrict exercise. My goal is to ... Well not feel like a fat lump lol. I want to get to a weight of around 200 which is lighter than I've ever been as an adult. At one point in my life I got down to 230 and was very fit through exercise and calorie counting.

So my issue is this: I have been for the last three weeks following a keyogenic diet, very low calorie, minimal cardio (about 20 min twice per week on a treadmill). I have had success with this. However, I would also like to build muscle and this is where I'm caught up.

Should I build muscle while losing weight? How does this change my macros? Should I build muscle first and then would that enable me to lose weight faster and/or minimize loose skin from rapid weight loss? Should I just keep on with losing weight only and then work on building muscle after?

There are so many sources of info out there online and so many conflicting views. I've done nothing but read articles and watch videos for a month now and I'm somehow even more lost than before!

Any input from you guys would be appreciated.

Yes you should be strength training, heavy weight low reps is the best combo for maintaining your existing muscle while in a calorie deficit, it is possible to build in a deficit but it is difficult and most likely to occur in those who are very obese and inexperienced with lifting.

low calorie combined with cardio will lead to muscle loss without the lifting, which means loosing fat becomes harder.

What are your current Keto macros and estimated bodyfat %

Keto is very good for building muscle.