Sport a little help?

Sport Fitness
I am just getting back into running after not doing it for about three years.
I have gotten a lot of good tips on the running part but was wondering if someone could help me out on the diet part. I am 23 and weigh about 193 pounds and I have no idea what my body fat % is. Basically I am wondering about calorie, protein, and carb intake. Like I said I am running again and trying to build my endurance, but I am also doing some weight training. Anything will help.
what do you currently eat?
1.) Look up your calorie expenditure...
2.) Subtract 500 calories from what you got... that is your daily intake.
3.) Take that number and multiply it like below...

Carbs = Daily Intake * .6 = Carb Calories
Protein = Daily Intake * .2 = Protein Calories
Fat = Daily Intake * .2 = Fat Calories

Carb Calories / 4 = Grams of Carbs
Protein Calories / 4 = Grams of Protein
Fat Calories / 9 = Grams of Fat

4.) Spread your daily intake into 4-5 small meals throughout the day, eatting about every 3 hours...
thanx for the tips dex