A little help please...


New member
Hey there, I'm new to this and was just looking for a little help.
I'm going on holiday in the summer with my friends from college and I'm a little overweight. I'm very uncomfortable with the way I look because all my friends are slim and toned.

Does anyone have any ideas on quick and sustainable weight loss?

I've tried loads of diets but nothing seems to be working!

Have you read the stickies? I know some around here hate when that's said to newcomers, but they are jammed pack with great information that covers many of the basic questions that newcomers are asking. I'd start with something like the 'words of wisdom' thread or the 'easiest nutrition guidelines ever' thread.

Many standard, prepackaged diets are accompanied by a short-term mentality. That's a recipe for short-term results.

You must use a longer term focus directing your attention to small, lifestyle modifications that lead long-lasting results.

You might want to throw us your stats and what you're currently doing in terms of exercise and eating currently.
Hello if you are like me than you should try this. go to this link and read up on it.

if you have any questions let me know.
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