A Link Between Mesomorphs and Gynecomastia?

:p Is it possible that most teenagers that are mesomorphs get gynecomastia as well?? I for one, am 15 years old, 6 feet tall, weigh around 155-160, my body type is mostly of a mesomorphs (not from my observation, but from a family friend who is a sports trainer), and i have gynecomastia. My question: is gynecomastia more concentrated among the mesomorph body type?My dad is a mesomorph, and he had gyne. when he was a teen as well. Most people at school i see have never had gynecomastia or do but its barely visible... mine is pretty damn visible haha, and its because i actually have visible pex which make the fat on top look more than it actually is. I'd actually prefer answers from people who know what they r talkin about, thanks :p